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Everything posted by craigyboy

  1. to shoot any kid must be a nightmare but to shoot your own,jesus fecking christ
  2. ive been a drainage consultant for 22yrs and where theres muck theres brass
  3. craigyboy

    9 /11

    they must be very highly educated men to think that flying a plane into a highrise building will guarantee them the after life they so badly seek,surrounded by countless virgins rag headed fecking animals thats what they are
  4. oscar will never be a top athlete,is discipline lets him down,ive heard hes always arseing about
  5. craigyboy

    9 /11

    it was jaw droppingly disturbing and my heart goes out to anyone involved but i cant see america forgetting the special forces just doesnt seem reet
  6. have you been in my bacca tin trappa fecking real cmon mate,they'd need a fecking floor scraper if that was real
  7. get your hand in your pocket tight arse,you'l wish you had when your cleaning soot out of every nook an cranny
  8. nothing distracts you like a good solid kick in the knackers
  9. sometimes the 1 million cp lamp is a bit of a giveaway
  10. jesus christ,some people just ask for it
  11. ive said it before mate but thats fecking quality,whats the cost of say a rifle
  12. quality i used to do the poison in the bathroom trick but it wasnt to stop sharks,it was to stop giant spiders coming up our drains and killing us in the night
  13. craigyboy

    pit pup

    it looks feck all like a pit
  14. craigyboy

    pit pup

    bleeding hell mate,with them pics im starting to believe his pup is a pit shocking examples
  15. craigyboy

    pit pup

    nice dog mate but no pit
  16. and look at the 1000s of cases were dogs that have been(and still do) get shot,who gets done...the dog
  17. what a refreshing change,someone helping rather than slating em,nice 1 dymented,gi thisel a pat ont back
  18. i was only joking but seriously,as someone as already said bread and milk are for puddings the best food for ferrets is a dead animal and every part of it
  19. for someone on a hunting forum to not know the difference between a mink an a polecat sounds a bit fooking dodgy to me,jesus even your dad doesnt know i think you and your dad need another hobby mate,my ten yr old lad could tell the difference
  20. ferrets are lactose intolerant,you really aint doing it any favours by feeding bread and milk,every once in a while wouldnt do it any harm but i really cant understand why anyone would,they weren't given carnivores teeth so they could manage a bowl of bread an milk,yes,they may like it,but my kids like candy floss,but i wouldnt give it em for their tea your not a vegan are you
  21. you could be on to something there mate,could this be the end of the bullx as we know it... i fecking doubt it mate
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