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Everything posted by craigyboy

  1. i wouldnt stab anyone that broke into my home,id beat the kunt to death,far more satisfying
  2. not a fecking chance mate,if he gets prosecuted for that there will be a fecking uproar,the cps have shown their intentions by not charging the other 2 blokes recently,one of which was an elderly shopkeeper who had previous for stabbing and they let him off...mind you he was black
  3. cheers for that malt,roll on fecking egypt
  4. i think i may give them a ring or 3, i know where theres a few hunts happening
  5. just in from lamping,been at it 7hrs,me and the dog fooked but well worth it

    1. scothunter
    2. rob190364


      good session that bud! did you catch much?

    3. craigyboy


      6 rabbits,2 big rabbits,2 charlies and 1 happy farmer

  6. just in from lamping,been at it 7hrs,me and the dog fooked but well worth it

  7. you should be ashamed of yourself mate,what self respecting man wears crocs..ya big fecking girl nice strong pups tho credit to your mate
  8. its a peregrine,its to big for a hobby
  9. your right mate and the sad thing is,if i had been the one who found him under my van and not the wife,i would of stamped on his bollox with considerable force several times and probably ended up getting done for it
  10. f**k me, how much is it worth to them? 40 quid? i couldn't be arsed,,, but the price is greater for you to replace total c**ts apparently mate,theyre worth a few quid as scrap,ive been told they contain platinum i maybe wrong but ive found out tonight that my cousin and my mate got theirs robbed last night,both sprinters,maybe someone with more knowledge can fill me in,are they only on sprinters wheres stewie when you need him edited to say...the scrap men want fecking,they obviously know theyre nicked,theyre just as big a kunts as the scrote nicking em
  11. you should be on stage mate..........fecking sweeping it
  12. kill the fecking lot of em,dirty thieving vermin scum,its the way this country is going,at 9pm tonight the wife was just getting home from a walk,when she disturbed some kunt under my merc sprinter van,he quickly got up as she comfronted him and he ran off towards a white movano van,turns out the little kunt was after the catalytic converter,fortunately he got disturbed an he got away with feck all,unfortunately it was the wife that disturbed him and not me lowlife kunts the lot of em
  13. thankfully ive got 3 healthy children,but if i was told one of them had downs before they were born,then i think we would of aborted,this world is cruel and hard enough for a normal child never mind one with downs,sorry but i couldnt do it
  14. quality mate,that 2nd photo is a cracker,you can imagine what theyre thinking
  15. choking the bishop reminds me of a bloke i used to work with,he used to say "i think i might strangle the purple headed custard chucker tonight"
  16. you cant beat a good jodrel bank,at least you dont have to hug yourself for half hour after
  17. my brothers dont rob oaps or scrap and they dont fly tip or shit in a co-op bag and leave it where the scran van parks,they also dont leave shit strewn about the place and the last time i saw them they didnt have any slaves so im afraid theyre not my brothers
  18. iv just been in the front room to tell my daughter to turn that shit down i wondered what the feck it was still do
  19. pay them some reward,summat like a bowl of rice,theyre not slaves when theyre on the payroll
  20. no mate,cut all the leaves off the plants and just leave the toms on,the plants then put all their energy into ripening the fruit and not into the leaves,it looks a bit drastic but it works,i did mine last weekend and the majority have turned
  21. never mind alf garret its fecking alf garnet we want
  22. i didnt craigy no.the top branches are huge,my mum takes them all to make apple pies,and she is mighty pissed off there only about 6 on the tree.lol like i said last year there were two washing baskeys full of big healthy apples.when do i prune them.could i do it now?just i have a skip here and be a good time to get shot of the branches the best time is when the tree is dormant,usually between nov-early march,also theres a chance your tree could suffer from biennial bearing,which means one year you get a bumper crop followed by very little or none at all,i think it affects bramleys
  23. racist is just a word made up by coons so we cant call em
  24. did you prune it last year mate,apple and pear trees need pruning every winter it makes for more fruit the following year,trees that haven't been pruned become less productive and become congested with old and dead branches
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