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Everything posted by craigyboy

  1. wtf, big hard feckers these gypos feckin half witted inbred fairies
  2. my lad as one o these,he's 10 and wildlife mad,he asked for money for his birthday so he could get one,and i must admit some of the images he's captured as surprised me,i can see him being the next chris packham(but less of a dick),he sets it up in various local woodlands every weekend and collects it on sunday about teatime,then he's on the laptop for hrs watching what he's captured now whos saying theres not another budding wildlife expert out there, devastated that some rat as stole his camera
  3. ya stuffy kunt but like you say someones gonna be pissed off that even in a place like a woodland,theres still thieves knocking about
  4. a talented troubled man with a face that'd frighten a scrapyard dog
  5. about 15 yrs ago we used to go mooching on bedford moss and for about 4 yrs we often saw 2 lurchers and a terrier mooching about,it was thought that travellers had left them after staying somewhere nearby,you could whistle and shout em but they never took a blind bit of notice, me and my mate once sat down and watched them working on the opposite side of the canal,the terrier worked the cover and bolted a rabbit which one of the lurchers caught,then they all started tearing at it, it was funny because they all looked like they had the same amount each
  6. maybe its been fitted with a sad-o-meter and this is its way of telling you to fecking get out more
  7. the only thing thats spooky is a man searching through a bag o shot cans and finding one wi 3 holes in it and then claiming it to be the mask from scream
  8. thatcher or blair i know who i'd have every fecking time
  9. and every prime minister thats been in power since thatcher have all done such an outstanding job of running this country haven't they theres bigger kunts out there than thatcher
  10. sorry for taking 4 days to reply but ive been in total hysterics since reading your witty reply ever thought of going on stage......dont fecking bother, simple things......
  11. you wont regret it mate and youl see the difference in your dogs,in performance and all round health and remember mate,variety is the key,all dogs get pissed off wi the same food day in day out,i try and give different everyday,one day tripe the next beef then rabbit then chicken wings etc
  12. read the whole thread mate,plain an simple its shite
  13. What do u feed urs bud? my dogs eat raw meat,offal and carcasses mate and a wide variety,the list is endless,from things that we catch to reduced priced meat from the supermarket to things my mates shoot,and besides that i have a patch in the garden that is densely planted with grasses and herbs which dogs like and they graze on that most days and i also put acv in their water which keeps their gut healthy aswell as other things,my dogs are in tip top health and they get worked hard and they are never not up for the job,they are never at the vets and dont need worming as regular as most do
  14. if you have never fed your dogs complete, then how do you know any different? imo there are some good ones out there, i use gain28 and a raw diet. i didnt mean it as it sounds mate,im talking about the dogs i have now,of course ive dabbled in complete in the past but ive come to the conclusion that if you want to get the best from your animals then feed em what theyre supposed to eat
  15. i cant believe how many people feed their dogs complete shite i dont understand it really i fecking dont,what are the benefits of feeding this shite,you only have to see what comes out the other end to know how much goodness theyre getting out of it,none of my dogs have ever had a fecking mouthful of any complete food and i would guarantee that my dogs would be a damn sight healthier in every way than any dog fed on that stuff
  16. i agree to a point mate,some of the mods on here deserve feeding to the dogs,but ian b seems oreet :laugh: sorry its that time o night again
  17. cheaper and keeps for longer. cheaper your fecking joking you must be shopping at the wrong places mate and i dont know if your aware but theres a white thing you can buy and its called a freezer,you put things in it an they last for fecking ages
  18. a load o fecking bollocks
  19. tinned dog food kinel whin,i bet their teeth are rank,give em some proper scran,they weren't given those teeth to eat shit from a can edited to say, and feck knows what saps are
  20. whats this a riddle just tell us where the kunts are,its better we all know
  21. thats not a liger, i'd say it looks more like a tion
  22. my mates springer started suffering from stiff joints,and he uses summat called mobile bones and it seems to have done the trick,its not cheap but these things never fecking are they look like chicken layer pellets and the dog eats em out his hand
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