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Everything posted by craigyboy

  1. ive no parakeets but ive got some splendid goldies and jays
  2. some people beggar belief

    1. craigyboy


      not half mate,ive got a proven pair of goshawks here,free with a jay

    2. GrCh


      pmsl will you deliver?

    3. craigyboy


      course mate,for nowt while petrol so cheap at the min

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  3. well mate,theres a couple o jays here,if you can change his mind,just the same as a jackdaw but better looking
  4. Bet they sell for about £100 sorry mate wrong end of stick
  5. cheers mate,yes you can let em out,the cock to them chicks follows me everywhere,if i let the hen out tho,she'd feck off straightaway,his favourite word is jay,i was contemplating on a pair o jackdaws
  6. bit more info mate,are they caged or in an aviary,how old are they,have they bred before,if not how long have they been paired
  7. heres a few pics of some young uns ive bred this year,the 1st clutch,the hen laid 6,ate 1 and 1 didnt hatch,so i hand reared the 4 that hatched and the hen as gone down again is now sat on 7 eggs,heres a few pics of the last 2, a bloke came for 2 yesterday
  8. pour a glass and skin up mate you know i dont drink mate
  9. has anybody tried the italian wine by the name cervino,theres cabernet, sauvignon blanc and pinot blush,if so whats the verdict,good,bad or shite, the reason i ask is ive got the opportunity to obtain a container full, and i dont wanna waste my time on a shitload of sarsons that i cant shift
  10. just bought 4 tickets for morrissey in manchester, 1 for me and 3 to sell for a very large profit

    1. 2.8 guy

      2.8 guy

      sweetness sweetness its you with the tikets

    2. craigyboy


      lol,i dont care what ya say,his music is the bollox

    3. 2.8 guy

      2.8 guy

      yes i have to agree if you have not noticed im a fan too but not paying to see him not at your prices lol

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  11. booked for what if that kunt gerard does something similar in the semi, i hope he leaves his teeth embedded in the pitch
  12. it hatched and died during the night thanks all,still 16 eggs in and theyre all rocking so fingers crossed
  13. i have a digital incubator with some turkey eggs in,and ive just looked at em and 1 of the eggs as pipped,the trouble is theres 5 days left and the incubator turns them every hour until theres 3 days left,so should i turn the egg sideways so it doesnt turn or should i just leave it
  14. and who can forget the yorkshire man
  15. jim davidsons a puff,always cracks me up this,feckin class
  16. common sense should prevail, and that one eyed,hook handed rag head should be fecking tortured, trouble is the kunts who run this country, dont have an oz of common sense between em
  17. Shotgun or high velocity rifle to kill the c%ntin dog? Shotgun every time mate in a public place. I'm sure one of your avatars showed you with a child steve. You should understand this one mate. You should also know that most staffs these days are an excuse. I had staffs since 1970, when a staff was a staff, not just something a dog is now called since the DDA came into force. Are you really telling me that the cops, who fired the tasers were that incompetant? If it was yours kid and they did nothing, You really would have something to come on here and whine about. Not atall mat
  18. staying up to watch life size scalextric you must be fecking joking mate,i'd had enough o that shite by the time i was 11
  19. now your talking mate,brian jacks, could he do them pushups or what and i used to love my grifter,ive still got a hole the size of a £2 coin in my knee with 30 yr old dirt still in it,when i thought i could do on my grifter what the lads on bmxs could do
  20. lets see if the old bill put in the same effort and resources as they would if the roles were reversed,i dont fecking think so
  21. i use to think like you until i went to cancer hospitals and seen what those paki doctors do they weren't doctors though were they, they were a bunch of soldiers, who wouldnt give a second thought about killing you or me if the avalanche had hit a hospital in bradford i wouldnt of started the thread if this is your way of thinking then no problem pal you know what i meant tho, there will still be children who have lost mothers and fathers , no matter what ethnic, culture, religion there will still be families suffering. i know it was a joke maybe sometimes i think to deeply- make a c
  22. i use to think like you until i went to cancer hospitals and seen what those paki doctors do they weren't doctors though were they, they were a bunch of soldiers, who wouldnt give a second thought about killing you or me if the avalanche had hit a hospital in bradford i wouldnt of started the thread
  23. im sorry mate i cant explain how some half witted kunt would part wi 7 ton for one o them fecking mongrels
  24. Avalanche buries 120 Pakistani troops in Kashmir 120 gone in a flash, i think england could with a few avalanches i bet scothunter is having a fecking party now,i wonder if he prayed for it
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