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Status Replies posted by craigyboy

  1. need a little advice, jade has attacked sally again today this has only happened since craig passed away i dont know what to do ? xx

    1. craigyboy


      sally is a britney, ive been managing the dogs ok doing well taking them for walks ever though jade rips my arm out its socket jade hasnt been out lamping since craig im good but not that good x

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. craigyboy hunting life garden is starting tomorrow :) thanks guys

    1. craigyboy


      garden coming on a treat, got so much to do. cant do much at the min till my roof has been done, on the 13th april craigs birday the garden will be complete and we are having a family and friends get together i would just like to say evderybody is welcome to come and see what we have done : )it would be nice if you are intrested pm and i can give you my address thank you everybody i am also write to country mans weekly to let them know what you have all done for us and craigyboy x leanne chlo...

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  3. Well done hunting life,thank you you are all amazing x

    1. craigyboy


      i am setting a date my garden will be done by the 13 th april craigs birthday , it will be a special day thanks to you guys i will take plenty of pics and if anyboys passes our end your more than welcome to pop in craigs hunting life friends are our friends thank you again ps garden is called craigyboys hunting life garden :)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. just got some new permission,a couple of shoots owned by an mp,very nice indeed

    1. craigyboy


      cheers mate i intend to,the g/keepers a right crack

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Paralympics are being held in London this year, and in order to help visitors the organisers have published a leaflet containing cockney rhyming slang for the disabled. bacon rind = blind canary wharf = dwarf. cardinal wolsley = cerebal palsy. raspberry ripple = cripple. wasps and bees = amputees. tulips and roses = multiple sclerosis. diet pepsi = epilepsy. benny and the jets = tourettes. watch your wallet = black c**t.

  6. Paralympic Update : 4 dead in epileptic clay pigeon shooting comp...:-)

  7. well i,ll be on a plane in few hours ,carn,t wait lanzortie here i come

    1. craigyboy


      have a good un mate,get them rays on your back and recharge them batteries,i wish i were fecking going

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. i lost 5 kilo`s last week, b*stard sniffer dogs.....lol

  9. its jack herer time

    1. craigyboy


      pick and mix seeds mate,youl find both on there,purely for ornamental purposes tho mate

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  10. its jack herer time

    1. craigyboy


      if you can get hold of it lads try blzbud,if its done right its the daddy

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  11. its jack herer time

    1. craigyboy


      one o my faves ld,and stabs all this cheese and blues,it smells good but it aint jack or g13,thats for sure

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  12. all the machines got robbed for deisel last night , so should be some cheap cherry knocking about

  13. Sup up your beer and collect your fags..........

  14. Do penis enhancement tablets really work?

    1. craigyboy


      is it possible to enhance the perfect prick?

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  15. leading drug companies have announced that rabbits will no longer be used in experiments. pakis will be used instead. a top scientist behind the move said'' the advantage of using pakis is they breed like rabbits, but you dont get fond of them''


    1. craigyboy


      what books that? how to translate gibberish

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  17. anyone got sliver ferret for sale my miss nip head for one

  18. some people beggar belief

    1. craigyboy


      course mate,for nowt while petrol so cheap at the min

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  19. glad to getting about now after been stuck in bed for the last 2 month 2 more weeks rest and i should be back to making lures, anyone who has email me i will get back asap, just i'm, so f**ked all the time off the drugs the doc has me on, again sorry people

  20. some people beggar belief

    1. craigyboy


      not half mate,ive got a proven pair of goshawks here,free with a jay

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  21. some people beggar belief

    1. craigyboy


      not lab mate,someone pmd me asking do i sell my jays or give them away as hes after a pair

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  22. please can a moderator delete my account on here

  23. Just got cows tongue for the pup! Not easy get these days... Great stuff

  24. just bought 4 tickets for morrissey in manchester, 1 for me and 3 to sell for a very large profit

    1. craigyboy


      lol,i dont care what ya say,his music is the bollox

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  25. just bought 4 tickets for morrissey in manchester, 1 for me and 3 to sell for a very large profit

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