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craigyboy last won the day on November 19 2012

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1,274 Excellent

About craigyboy

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 13/04/1971

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  1. Thank you everyone for the Craigyboy charity cup me and the kids are overwhelmed and we are coming next year our Ryan wats to fish, thank you so much guys you are doing my Craigyboy so proud x

    1. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      Leanne; You're OUR family now.


    2. tilfertilfer


      bless ya from scarborough

  2. ive just be told craig is in the countryman weekly not seen it yet will try and get a copy to show you

  3. hi everybody our garden has finally been done its been a long hard slog to complete it in time, but we couldnt of done it with you all you on here so thank you very much you are all very welcome to see what we have done, its craigs birthday on saturday starts at 4.30 pm i will upload pics on sunday thank you your ace eberyone of you xxx

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. darbo


      very nice to hear look forward to the pics atb.

    3. spade


      Glad it's done in time, have a lovely day.

    4. ginga john

      ginga john

      Best of luck with the new garden and look forward to the pics and the updates

  4. garden coming on a treat just fighting the weather for our deadline

  5. garden coming on a treat just fighting the weather for our deadline

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. johnny boy68

      johnny boy68

      good stuff can't wait to see it finished.

    3. Malt


      Hope it turns out the way you want! ;)


    4. fireman


      Was thinking about you today at work(i'm a gardener)and was wondering how it's going.


  6. need a little advice, jade has attacked sally again today this has only happened since craig passed away i dont know what to do ? xx

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. scothunter


      you need to get out with the lamp leanne lol

    3. Millet


      You are better of putting a post up in the health and working section..folk will help you better in there..

    4. R.A.W


      i'd say there's a power struggle going on. they have lost there pack leader. you need to take that roll. as millet said start a thread and i'm sure there's lots of people better qualified than me willing to help.

  7. craigyboy hunting life garden is starting tomorrow :) thanks guys

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. PIL


      Pm sent Chris

    3. the_stig


      all the best with it --- if you need any help shout up ,plenty on here would be more than willing to help out....

    4. craigyboy


      garden coming on a treat, got so much to do. cant do much at the min till my roof has been done, on the 13th april craigs birday the garden will be complete and we are having a family and friends get together i would just like to say evderybody is welcome to come and see what we have done : )it would be nice if you are intrested pm and i can give you my address thank you everybody i am also write to country mans weekly to let them know what you have all done for us and craigyboy x leanne chlo...

  8. Well done hunting life,thank you you are all amazing x

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. scothunter
    3. PIL


      THL is not the same without him :(

    4. craigyboy


      i am setting a date my garden will be done by the 13 th april craigs birthday , it will be a special day thanks to you guys i will take plenty of pics and if anyboys passes our end your more than welcome to pop in craigs hunting life friends are our friends thank you again ps garden is called craigyboys hunting life garden :)

  9. thank you to everyone you are amazing,it breaks my heart when i come on here and again it gives me comfort you should all be proud of yourself my craig would be so proud ;)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PIL


      Well said Scot :)

    3. Buster321c


      Damn good lad , gonna be missed by lots here . God bless buddy

    4. Ray Mears

      Ray Mears

      he will be missed by eveybody on this site

  10. hello to all craigyboys mates at THL my name is keith craigs older brother. on behalf of all craigs family i'd just like to say a massive thankyou to each and everyone of you. what you are doing in memory of craig is unbelievable we know craig was a special guy but to see how highly regarded he was at THL was still a bit of a surprise,and very heartwarming .

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ideation


      Welcome Keith. Your brother was a true gentleman and a sound guy.

    3. johnny boy68

      johnny boy68

      He was a top man and you must be bouyed by his popularity.

    4. scothunter


      im sure it will be a good comfort to know he was very well thought of keith.

  11. i hope you all like the picture of my husband with his dog jade ,i just thought i would put a face to craigyboy. me and the children have been thinking and we are going to make our front garden in to a memorial garden, we need alot of work doing, the kids are going to disgn it on there own we will put a rowan tree memorial in with a bench in the front garden,me and my hustband spent many time sat in the garden together putting the world to rights and spotting birds. my husband is coming home next week and he will be going in the backroom where he sat everynight on hunting life this has been
  12. my name is leanne ive been sat at my laptop for the last hour reading all your post i am over whelmed , i would just like to say thank you for all your messages,my husband was one in a milion everybody loved him. i have been with craig for 16 years i met him when i was 16 he was a charmer ha. we have got 2 children chloe age 12 ryan 10 well 11 next week, he also has an older daughter nataile 17 she lives with us. my husband was 41 years old. as you all know he loved his dogs ,birds ect i would have strangers knocking on my door because they have found a poorly bird he was a proper animal lover
  13. Hello its craigs wife, I'm guessing that as craigy was on here everynight, you should know what his likes and dislikes are. I welcome any suggestions that you throw in. Just the fact he's thought of so much is amazing.
  14. Rest in peace, craigy.. xx

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