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the trunk

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Everything posted by the trunk

  1. cheers plan is get a dvd for my own use an few mates just to have few lads on here asking me for them as well but they wont be for sale or anything like that just be sent to a few av spoke to over the years
  2. it was a adult dog fox i was shocked the way it came in . sent a pup to mate took a disliking to him hes going well for my mate
  3. blitz with red lens av 3 of the 3 of the 6 clips cut of so slips of better
  4. cheers i got the red one back but gave it to a mate hes still running like a pup with his head up still very puppy you can see it in the clips compared to the other pup hes driving hard but he happy enough when he gets the sharp end. the black pups very like his sire as a pup
  5. no problem the big field was the 2 pups running it togeather they have abit to learn still but they will get there cheers
  6. theres 4 different dogs running in the clips the 2 black an whites run togeather father an son and the other black dogs a mates dog with a pup out of the black an white dog you seen single
  7. Few clips of running foxes Northen Ireland . dogs running doubled up are with pup red &white dog and a black & white pup 14 months old few catches and a few misses nothing graphic https://youtu.be/JnSVdViaGmU
  8. Foxes or rabbits trunk? Talking to lad other day who has shot 23 foxes in 3 days on lands that I also have permission, not good for me and dogs. foxes mate hate the though of guns getting them mayevits wild over here [BANNED TEXT]
  9. running pups mainly but when lads are shooting 16 a day what can you do
  10. i start back when the gun mate start rather a dog killed them than a gun got 4 last night
  11. the pups a good big bigger than his sire il put picture i have show you the different mate . the pups works out 1/4 bull in him mate
  12. for one am not knocking the fella i just gave my op but its his dog so he nos it better than anyone as you say injurys yes i see why you would retire a dog 100% i forgot how bad this site was when you give your thoughts but thats just me il retire a dog 9 or 10 start slowing there work rate down about 7 unless a bad injury happens . older dog you have to put more time into it to keep fit i had a bitch 12 year old would of showed dogs 5 or 6 up an am in no way getting at shabby just defending myself from being called a fool . but thats me some might say am wring some mig
  13. She's seen everything mate, that's not me bullshitting anyone that knows me knows I don't keep shit dogs, shes retired at 7 because she no longer does the job in the same fashion as she use too, shes still as game and as tough but she's a lot harder to get fit, to keep fit and stiffens up much easier nowadays Iv also got a young dog up and coming ready to start middle of the winter few more seasons in her yet i wouldnt be retiring. much bull is in her have you any pictures what type of work do you mainly give her
  14. it was a bitch that done it as far as i no the bitch turned out killing a fox i never seen her out after that the fella got rid of her tge other fella that got her said she was a good bitch mate
  15. seen dogs rolling over the top an lieing of them never seen one humping one heard of it few times
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