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the trunk

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Everything posted by the trunk

  1. nice bitch that matethanks mate the father was from over your side a bull graywere about mate small place my side
  2. works out 1/4 bull 1/16 collie but hes just lurcher to lurcher mate
  3. Cant wait to see him when hes 12 months mate hes 21tts now
  4. cheers plenty good food into him an plenty running about
  5. Few pictures for the lads that have been asking me for them
  6. Lol so putting more bull into it will make it lighter?? Haha. Iv owned 5/8 3/8 greyhound bulls, very good at what they are bred for but by no means lighter framed than a half x put to a 5/8 3/8 greyhound collie
  7. i agree with you it wasnt from your post mate to be fair i got pm silly remarks even on that other facebook page an the things thats on that page would end hunting 100% id look past it if i was putting bad blood pictures up but you no yourself what pictures they will use i keep them as plan an boring blood free as possible they wouldnt get the coverage that they would want for it but you have to admit this site would be s##t if no one posted a picture
  8. Theres 2 puctures one picture is ok in the eyes of near every one on here sure there only rabbits but when the other ones up your bigging yourself up your giveing amo to antis in that case all pictures are giving them amo i shake my head at it . But i do agree with pictures that are a blood bath 4 foxes killed but 8 rabbits killed is ok
  9. i agree with you 100% about pictures the pictures i could go on the internet fox hunting images an the pictures you would see would turn your stomach problem is people arnt showing the quarry respect an putting pictures up of a blood bath which i agree is wrong i put up a video on a closed group for half an hour an removed it again due to a few lads asking to see my dog but they were removed yes other people could see them but they wearnt a blood bath it was in job done no blood no nothing but i didnt get anything on the group people giving of about it untill it was on here lads tha
  10. not to be funny but if you dont share pictures or about nights out why are you on here ?
  11. So do use agree with post of picture of rabbits or is it just foxes
  12. Going to a stright half bull they will be heavey set pups get a 3/4 grey 1/4 bull over her if you want the bull i run a 1/8 bull 1/8 collie 3/4 grey for what i use him for hes very good at his job
  13. Well as most of use no i had a post up on the working days out forum an had alot of lads giving of about it so i asked for it to be removed ! Due to the amount of lads giving of about it either i was doing to big myself up or i was just wrong for putting pictures up of legal dog work. I didnt mindsharing my days out with use you lads on here but all i seem to get from people is yhat i am going to be the down fall of hunting foxes in northern ireland . Seems that most of the problem is other hunters hiding in the dark an scared to talk about legal hunting half of the news reports in northen i
  14. she showing it alright mate am taking her out sunday here still life in her yet lol no mate never seen the first litter [bANNED TEXT]ask him to show you the pic of bella, yours and bella be like twinsseems to be one in each litter ahe had marked the same lola out of the last one was marked the same an one out of her first then mate when he gets back il ask him mate
  15. she showing it alright mate am taking her out sunday here still life in her yet lol no mate never seen the first litter [BANNED TEXT]
  16. Looking after my mates bitch i lined my dog to few pictures of them today there pups very like both of them so av no idea what way he will shape up cheers lads
  17. just to let you no thats my mates legs lmao an shoes lmao
  18. the day am in it for the money will be the day i pack it in ?
  19. cheers mate pups doing well had him up to my mates last night got a picture of his one an mine heres itnice pups them, you can see the collie bit more in the one on the left I think ,still plenty of bull in there for there job they going to do .cheers bird my pups the only one that has went that way when i picked my pup the red pup there was the biggest but the white one caught my eye theres only 1/4 bull in them but mine has took to that hopefully he can run not much good to me if he cant Ffs don't say you kept a pup because of it's looks katchum will never let you live that down lo
  20. cheers mate pups doing well had him up to my mates last night got a picture of his one an mine heres it nice pups them, you can see the collie bit more in the one on the left I think ,still plenty of bull in there for there job they going to do .cheers bird my pups the only one that has went that way when i picked my pup the red pup there was the biggest but the white one caught my eye theres only 1/4 bull in them but mine has took to that hopefully he can run not much good to me if he cant
  21. they were in style about 30 years ago mind you it is ireland lol thats my mate so i dont mind lol i wear saddles lmfaosaddles what to mount him.lollmao very good
  22. they were in style about 30 years ago mind you it is ireland lol thats my mate so i dont mind lol i wear sandles lmfao
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