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the trunk

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Everything posted by the trunk

  1. i can only go by what av seen work an the onea i have picked what they wanted run when they wanted half hearted an that was at rabbits years ago handcock used working dogs got a name for his self throw the dogs working the amount of handcock dogs bred now jusr so people can say i own a hancock dog its the same as bull pie an golly lines its deluted down from the orignal line
  2. I used to run bull crosses an my brother bred 2 litters of first cross collies an as it said above they picked what they wanted none mad the grade as a fox dog but av a collie bull now an he ticks every box for me . Every hancock bred dog av seen i wouldnt feed them there not out of true working collies money dogs
  3. cheers bud it has been a good seaon the pups bigger than his sire now there hes there
  4. av 32 with my own dog il try find out how many all in sent you a pm trunk got it there mate inbox was full
  5. av 32 with my own dog il try find out how many all inthat's very good going chum for one dog hopefully il get another 3 before i pack up that will b his 100th in 3 seasons
  6. av 32 with my own dog il try find out how many all in
  7. Heres a few pictures of this season i hope i dont get to much s##t this time hope you like it
  8. As use all no i lost my young dog pup ghost broke its leg and my brother gave me the sister to him back . Then i got the chance to get a dog pup back so jumped at it this pup was one of the two dogs i lifted and couldnt make my mind up about which one but i let my mate pick an he lifted this one . But due to family reasons he had to part it so i got him back just turned 7months 25tts an his tails still touching the ground well pleased
  9. Cheers bird same as my own dog keeps me happy mate . He was saying mate hes after a dog pup and after i lost mine i want another one but av that bitch there il stick picture up there all nice enough pups mate chris one is a monster
  10. Few that il remember from the season
  11. He has his moment being a fool but he no what his job is i cant ask for much more cheers
  12. cheers was longest 5 weeks av ever had to stick hes a collie/bull greyhound
  13. I normaly have a topic on the other forum but this year i havent put one up due to the crap i got . So far this season av lifted 30 with my own dog an probly around 20 with friends dogs. My own dog was out for 5 weeks had to take him the vets he had a jaw bone infection so i lost 5 weeks mid season but trying to make up for it now . Had some cracking nights out an even a few clips caught on vids starting to show wear and tear this year but not long left now to this years seasons over hows your season going up to now lads cheers Thrunk
  14. Totally agree mate the first fox he got would of been a better course but didnt have the phone but got that course i wont complain
  15. Some times the course is the best bit
  16. shes doing well mate cheers 6 months now so another 12 months il see what shes like
  17. for a few lads on here Watch "Fox run" on YouTube https://youtu.be/0D-Whflclak
  18. first time was able to get one like that mate was of a samsung s5 mate recoreded it
  19. ONLY SHOWS THE RUN AN CATCH https://m.(!64.56:886/story.php?story_fbid=552842031540083&id=280153975475558
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