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the trunk

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the trunk last won the day on February 20 2022

the trunk had the most liked content!

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2,859 Excellent


About the trunk

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 03/11/1986

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  • Interests
    Anything to do with hunting

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  1. It is bird any dog after won't be the same yiu can't beat a good freezer filler , all my dogs are from flick wish I had him as a pup again . kong he's 6 now and thor 16 month I think seen a few looks promising. Have you any pups fromthe old lad ?
  2. Cheers bird , hard to beat the memories of the old dogs over the years. Nice to get out a mooch with them pic for memories. How old is your old dog now mate
  3. Haven't posted in a while thought I'd share a action few shots .
  4. Cheers lads Definitely good cross I wouldn't go any other way personally . Fawn dog he's near 5 , black and white one with him is a bitch 11 months and the other 2 are brothers All from my old dog flick that's him in the bottom 2 pic .
  5. Sorry to hear that bird , I can remember you posting most of them pictures at the time R.I.P Bryn
  6. Il not get another like him I know that much but it will be fun trying to , av a bitch from him has the look down hopefully the heart , along wait to fund out
  7. cheers everybody appreciate the messages Yes forest av 2 from him in my yard kong 4 year old and flicka 5 months old bitch and few mates have stuff from him I gave them to I think all in av 6 different dogs close to me from him . Il keep his line all going well for few years I hope
  8. Well what can I say after 12/13 years I had to put my wee mate down heart broken is an understatement . Old age just caught up to him as it does with them all. He was a one in a life time dog and I know il never get another like him an compare every dog il ever own to him . My son started hunting with him , killed his first fox with him , started hunting with him round cover He was a wee nipper when we got him . He set and watched every YouTube video of him last night in pieces . Memories we both have will last a life time thank you Flick rest easy wee son you did me proud ?❤
  9. Cheers Jude , once the season up and going il get new stuff up
  10. Cheers bird , he's good lifting dog quicker than this sire was but he's not his sire don't think il have another like him but he's definitely worth feeding mate
  11. Collie bull Grey bitch pup 4 months and her half brother Collie bull Grey 4 year old
  12. Start of September up until last week all them vids
  13. Havent posted in a while a few vids from this season Dogs in the vids Flick (b&w ) Kong (fawn )Queen (fawn) full brother &sister . brock (black in the ditch ) sky (more white than black ) all bred from flick Dixie (black) Bracken (brindle)
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