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Everything posted by ferretMW

  1. Sorry about the random question but does anyone know off a hob thats for sale within the york area, around Haxby ? Because went to the Ferret Box Company today and got tokld they had moved around 2 week ago :wacko: Thanks FMW
  2. ferretMW


    That is just F****N discusting, you should allways kill your quarry out right be it a rabbit, fox or deer!
  3. Me and my uncle went out for a few hours today with my ferret and .410, we got seven rabbits, two squirells and a stoat. Only did four warrens to get the rabbits and shot the squirells on the walk round. The stoat we got was sat outside of a warren we was going to do, as soon as we got too close it ran in so we sat down and called it out then it just sat watchin us, so we give it barrel Were going back tomoro to do a few more warrens we left out and maybe we can get the mink we seen running down the side of the brook aswell
  4. The FOX Predator Elite Spin 8ft 6 30-90G at £100 is good choice, strong rod for your pollack and bass fishing of the rocks aswell.
  5. Altlantic salmon: February-November(varies on each river system) Sea Trout: March-October happy fishing..
  6. I know its not on your list but.. i have a weihrauch hw99s in .177 with a 3-9x42 scope and the weirhauch silencer, its a cracking bit of kit at 12fp! im shooting rabbits with head shots and everyone of them has just gone straight down Its light and a good all round gun for pest control and in the feild If not id go with the BSA Lightning XL
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