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Everything posted by bradder2k8

  1. the breeding of the rough one is deerhound x greyhound x collie x geyhound and the brindle one is bedlington x whippet x greyhound. yes they get worked alot. always out lamping and bushing
  2. Biff, Bib and peg waiting for the rabbit to run out... let me no what you think.
  3. this is biff he's a deerhound x greyhound x collie x greyhound he's 29'' tts. outstanding lamping dog dont let his size fool you he takes rabbits with ease, good hare,fox and deer dog day and night pre-ban. hoping to breed him with a grayhound this season.
  4. This is bib he's a bedlington x whippet x greyhound he's 25'' tts. out of tinker and tyson both poachers pocket stag party bloodlines bred by Phill Haynes..bib was bred by Gwyn Jones.
  5. well this is miner at 8 month old... good ratting dog and thinks that bite back lol. let me no what you think thanks
  6. very nice dog how old now hes just ove 1 and he was playing with a toy rat lol good rabbiting dog and a good worker
  7. he's just started to go to ground but i got a nuttall for the job 8 month old only sin 1 fox below ground baying at it for 30 mins but it bolted
  8. well this is my plummer terrier tye he stands at 14'' tts brilliant rat and rabbit dog... tell me what you think of him please.. Thnaks
  9. thank mate.. on a walk other week he whent down and started baying at a fox but without the locator. he was in their for about half an hour untill it bolted which i was glad at.. he thinks he's solid trying to kill anythink in his way lol..
  10. can some one tell me the basic's of digging.... My dad use to go digging but he goe's on to long about it so any info will be grate full
  11. well i have a nuttall terriers he's 8 month old now and im wondering when i can start him to ground he's a pic of him. im new to the digging game but it dosn't help still being at school lol so i think i need to here it from those who go digging.
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