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Everything posted by bradder2k8

  1. chears pal i just carnt wate for next season to start him
  2. works rats and rabbits but only seen 1 fox above ground
  3. hey not 2 every1 taste but he does the job that i want him 2 do
  4. This is mine and my mates 3 terriers... Plummer terrier... nuttall terrier and a patterdale x... let me no what you think. thanks.
  5. ye he does abit of lamping out the motor with him ;)
  6. this is Zak. he's my mates dog hes bull x greyhound.. let me no what you thinks. thanks
  7. very nice racey looking to reminds me of a bitch mate has hope it does well for ya what age is he will ya use him for charlie ye and single handed on roe deer all on permission lol
  8. he's nearly 2. thanks bradder2k8
  9. Hi all just another pic of BIB let me no what you think. Tanks
  10. Hi all. wel im thinking of bying a Bedlington Terrier and i'm just wondering what their work rate is like, are they any good as eath dogs or is it like any other dog just got to bring them up to it.. All Comments Welcome as i need some info.. Thanks all
  11. plummer terrier best ratting dogs and a brill rabbiting dog marks 110%
  12. this is my ferret cage my grandad made for me. let me no what you think. thanks
  13. Very quick to assume and have a pop as usual. i own one of those and at the right range and used with accuracy they are perfectly capable of doing the job. Still, nothing like a bit of in fighting to cheer up the antis its a miracle anyone posts anything on here at all with all the "experts" poised over there key boards ready to put the boot in Well done bradders thanks pal
  14. only payed £30 for the ratcatcher so i thought ide use it
  15. ive got a propper gun thanks AA S310
  16. thats wher the dog got it n yes they are powerful anough to kill 1 coz ive killed 5 with it head shots
  17. out the other day with the ratcatcher a came along this. i had to test the new gun so i had a pop. let e no what you think thanks.
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