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About mj.rampton

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  1. Yes, we are getting a number of responses but unfortunately the Shooting Times have admitted to losing / misplacing a number of replies to our PO Box no advertisment. So we are using the Forum to hopefully pick up on some who have got lost in the system....we are Easton Estate in Norfolk, close to Norwich. I am the estate owner and became very dissulsioned with running a commercial shoot by end of 2006/7 season. So I have decided to choose the challenge of creating a wild bird shoot on the estate, based on english partridges (the aim is to have 100 breeding pairs by 2017) and wild pheasants. W
  2. Dear James Yes it was advertised in the ST, but they admitted to losing / misplacing a number of job applicants (ie because we used a PO Box no) - you could be one of them. To be sure, please email me with your details (as you did before). I can also check the applications to see if we have received it, though I will need your surname. I cannot of course guarantee you an interview, but I would be delighted to hear from you. Kind regards, Matthew Rampton (Easton Estate)
  3. We have a underkeepers position available, starting March 2008. A fantastic opportunity for an ambitious & motivated person to work under Headkeeper developing a wild bird shoot on 3,000 acre Norfolk estate. Some experience required, but not essential. Ability to work hard and show real committment is however essential. If you enjoy vermin control and are genuinely interested in conservation and habitat management, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Good package, including accommodation. Vehicle & firearms provided. Send your CV, covering letter & references
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