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Everything posted by tommy1967

  1. well done a little rag for the pup will do her wonders.
  2. me and my mate went out last night for a shine with my 10 month old pup and my 2 year old dog.wee caught 13 out of 20 runs pup lifted 7.
  3. sorry two hear that mate its not a nice thing two do but you cant watch them suffer.
  4. nice pups mate i like that russel pup its my type of dog are you selling it :11:
  5. no hes a norfolk ive had his line of breeding the last 15 years.
  6. nice dog derry lad good luck with him.
  7. white 1 its mother is 5/8 grey 3/8 bull father i think is the same way bred,patt is 2.
  8. theres nothing like bringing on ur own pup watching it hopefully turn into a great adult,but there again it takes alot of time and patience and some people wuldnt be bothered with that they wuld buy a working adult or something thats ready two start.
  9. out two day cause cant get out 2 morro,we were checking holes as wel as small bits of cover ;the temperture had dropped a bit and it was rainning so we hope wee wuld strike in holes .the first bit that we done held 1 fox and he was accounted for checked a couple of holes no 1 home ,then done the next bit it held 2 that got a way ;done another couple of bits put out another 2 they got away then went two the last bit of the day there was 3 in it 1 got away the other 2 went 2 ground so a bit of spade work was required dug 1 with the chocolate patt and 1 with the black dog. more pics.
  10. there must be a big sale of computers in derry :11:
  11. the rabbits will do him for now frankie 2 young for anything else keep the faith the bitch matures before the dog. the pic didnt turn out well i was nearly blown away at the time it was 1 hell of a wind.
  12. derrylad yes thats the father of ur pup he loves his foxs wee dug 2 with its mother last week.des there is 6 lurchers and 1 gun with us most of the time but sometimes thers less when men have a wee the night before but beleave me a brave few get away 2 live for another day wee just love getting out for a wee hunt and plenty of slagging if ur dog misses 1.
  13. Went out last night with young bitch, was a real good night for the job but the rabbits were thin on the ground but she managed to get 9.
  14. nice read moll wel done ,its great when it just u and ur dog out on a dark dry stormy night with plenty of bunnies about .
  15. u get the summer time hunters everywere u go and then the rifle men shoot them and leave them there 2 lazy two get out of there verical.
  16. hope its the same when ever yous come up frankie .
  17. she was 7 weeks on friday and is eating everything in the house.
  18. We went on friday night and got or new beagle pup the granddaughter of my own beagle here is some pics of her father and mother and her sisters. Then on Saturday I went out to do cover done a couple small bits put 2 to ground and missed one then it got very warm so we called it a day at 1. Out again on Sunday and got 5 and missed 5 the hounds had a couple of real good hunts and the lurchers had some good races. here are more pics!
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