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Everything posted by tommy1967

  1. keep at sambo ,as they say no pain no gain,good luck with the permission .
  2. nice dog mate hope he does well for you.
  3. oldskool is interested in the dog so i put the pictures up for him.
  4. florencecort in enniskillen is also on in sunday.
  5. lads u get the same feckers in every town,they hunt every thing that moves in the summer months,but as soon as the cold and wet weather comes they go into hibernation,i think there to miserable too buy water proofs.
  6. springer x beagle pups for sale they will be ready in 3 weeks mum and dad are great in cover. dad mum.
  7. nice bitch mate hope she does well for you.
  8. heres a couple of mine.the black bitch is only 16 months but showing great promise the last 4 of the season i dug with her.the russel dog is 3 .the other smaller russel is 18months . more.
  9. well done mate ,thats some foxs 2 get in one hole ,there must have been a bitch in heat.
  10. nice pair ,hope they do well for you.
  11. he has norfolk in his genes ,his father was bred back to a greyhound bitch.
  12. two day was my last day of the season two take the hounds out,so went down two the gamekeeper ,every bit of cover we done held at least one fox the first two bits the keeper shot 2 then the next 2 bits 3 got away,the next bit the lurcher got a great race and catch,the last bit the lurcher put one two ground it was a nice handy 2 foot dig for my young pattxrussel bitch. pic
  13. went out with a gamekeeper on saturday and sunday checking earths now that the pheasent shooting is over,first of on saturday morning i was hunting through a small bit of cover checking the holes as i went along,with the keeper standing out side readyfor charlie 2 bolt,then my russel took of into some brambles and started 2 give tongue ,then i heard two shots ring out fallowed buy a bit of cursing so i new he missed,the russel fallow him on two another bit of cover with some big holes in it,after a bit of searching we found him baying in an hole between big rocks,we waited for and hour 2 see i
  14. ive seen alot of hard dogs jack it in before there 4th birthday,they walk out from there game or start giving you false digs ,but a good lock off them are started very early or worked hard week in and week out with no time two heal properly,but your bayer and mix it a bit terrier never packs up until an old age.
  15. mines cryed for and a hour i had two put the bitch back in with it.
  16. well done robbie,them white dogs look the biss.
  17. well done mate looks a big lump of a fox ,some nice beagles there.
  18. out to day again frankie got three an missed four ,there was a couple of day dreamers out to day like yourself ha ha ,the farmer showed me some great earths that were stinking of foxes just waiting for the [bANNED TEXT] weather to get them in.how did charlies pups get on last nite ,this oneis getting spoilt now
  19. out two day checking a few earths and doing some bits of cover ,we had a hard frost last night so thought we might have struck in the holes but nothing at home,so done some bits of cover and got 5 and missed 3 ,frankie and his mate and young lad was up with us for the day,frankies younng lurcher accounted for a good dog fox and might have had more if his owner wasnt day dreaming ha ha,but we had a good days crack with plenty of stick being dished out.
  20. sorry two hear about your bitch eamon ,i lost a great russel bitch last year two ground ,i nearly gave it all up,but keep your chin up and keep at it .
  21. well done jdf its nice 2 c a young terrier starting.
  22. great looking dig mate well done.
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