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Everything posted by tommy1967

  1. more pics.i cant get the pics too come up [bANNED TEXT] on here i think there too big,
  2. a couple of pictures of us out with the hounds and terriers and lurchers.
  3. you cant catch them all stuntman,better luck next time.
  4. nice pup poacher best of luck with him.
  5. shes 5/8s grey x 3/8s bull poacher,ive had the hairy dogs line for 10years now there a good alround dog.
  6. nice dogs mate,that looks like a saddle on the fawn ones back,
  7. the daughter was able to do it last night for me ,but shes away out ,i had no bother doing it the old way that they had it when you just went to add attactment instead of making the pics smaller,ill get them up when she gets back,i think im to old for this computer work.
  8. pics http://http://s26.photobucket.com/albums/c...=DSC00940-1.jpg[http://http://s26.photobucket.com/albums/c106/superbabe05/?action=view¤t=DSC00939-1.jpg
  9. lurcher lass hope to meet you there ,should be a good day if the weather is good to us.
  10. thats his father standing at the other side of me,hes beagle and the mother is a harrier, hes 7 months old ha everyone the familythink hes ugly he belongs to my daughter.i had him out on sunday for the first time for a run with him and his dad and they rose a fox they hunted him for half an hour before he went to ground ,i left him for the winter time i just wanted a hunt for the pup which he done very well.
  11. sorry two hear about your dogs,hope you find them soon.
  12. the bullx is in pup two that dog shes jew in august,the dog is of a norfolk linethat i have kept the last 1o years,derry lad the mate has 1 of those pups and hes showing great promise.
  13. took some pics of my dogs that i will be useing this season,would like two see every body elses that there going two work this season should it be on rat, rabbit,fox etc .
  14. frankie are you coming up two the show in donemana,should be a bit of crack,and the momeys going two charity.
  15. i do a fair bit of hunting round that country donemana full of foxes great lamping ground the only thing is steve you leave alot of them behind you for us.
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