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Everything posted by Ballybricken

  1. Well heres BB HQ , will be cleaning it later though, ill, get some pics up of a nice clean desk lol.
  2. cúagusgiorrai stop teasing us and tell us what time of juckel it is so i can get to kip!!
  3. Short legs, glen of imaal or maybe dandy dimont . either one with a good hair cut!!
  4. Looks like some kind of EBTx too me. But if you say its a pure bred, beddy with a number 1 all over!
  5. Irony of it all .. class act that song.
  6. Good stuff RH She's a dragon our Brenda ... or so her ex hubby tells me. The Who .. The Seeker , theres a good song.
  7. Nice one , that black lurcher is the spit of my mams collie/bull/grey .
  8. As missie said before you hit the sack havea pint of water & 2 anadin or the likes. If you forget to do this, get yourself back into town and a double jagerbull will sort you right out
  9. Chef , unsociable hours but i love it, well for now anyways.
  10. What a f**king cock! He should be getting done for wasting police time. I'm fairly sweet with my neighbours aint had one on one side of the house for over 5 years , thats soon to change ( and we've already had words aboutt her winding the dogs up in the run silly cow). But on the other side the blokes decent, often pops round with some junk for a crack, gives me the odd tip on where theres a few bunnies about. Have had neighbours from hell in the cul-de before old curtains twitching if we had been out on the lamp but thankfully none ever called the plod.
  11. Gotta say RH nowt better then a few bottles of westons and listening to a bit of the stones! You got the job yet bud?
  12. Looks a nice dog, if I had the room i'd have snapped him up.
  13. If you need a hand sorting any of that paper work out give me a text mate. And which Golf Course is it? send by PM if you prefer likes. I shoot on a few fields by Aglionby way beside the course and the f**ker must be teeming with coney the amount we take.
  14. When I was a kid, my lot kept, APBT (had to be doctored poor thing) GSDxCollie/APBT 2 Lurchers 1 fox terrier x JRT ( evil little twat had a chew of my face when I was a bairn!) At the moment we have 2 bull/collie/grey lurchers And I have Border Terrier & Whippet (pup)
  15. Poor fecker must have been on the step ladders! Mind you makes an interesting cross, be nice to see a few pics down the line.
  16. Alreet RH dont fancy lending my RD addiction do ya bud?? Waiting for Mr. Stalker to come back with the exacts of them beasties we might have to take a wander out some night
  17. I may have a reason for the rareness of these daschund lurchers .... no bugger wants one .. and how many yellow pages would a daschund need to reach the bloody lurcher?? Sent the link off preloved to my mate .. and the reply I got was .. aww cute! Says it all don't it.
  18. Its madness aint it, reckon real working poodles make handy dogs. But not some show shite bred with a lurcher thats never seen a rabbit in its life stick a label on it 'lurcherdoodle' and hey presto £250 a pup
  19. Lurcher pups What do you all reckon then??
  20. Well what a grand morning didnt bag any bucks as they were all in velvet , saw a decent amount of them though , and they'll always be there next time. Midgey bites werent fun though the little b ds . Stalked a buck with a slightly odd head on him round a couple of fields, finally got near him n off he pops down a ditch, so we walked on up the field, what do you know boyo the buck pops his head round the corner of a bush about 40 yrds in front of us. So we stop dead still and he wanders upto about 20 yards of us gives us a sniff and pisses off , only to come back again a second time a wee bit
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