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Everything posted by Ballybricken

  1. Well heres the wee one he's about 15/16 week old.
  2. Someone got thereselves a bargain there!!
  3. Drinking lots and lots of jagermeister & cider , Brewing my own cider (which is just about drinkable), 2 stroke tuning although I've not really arsed myself much this year. Herpetology (reptiles). And obv, my dogs & shooting.
  4. That is f**king sick these c**ts want hanging themselves! Poor dog!
  5. I voted yes, the bloke don't seem the kind of person that would abuse his mod powers!!
  6. Cheers Simoman I've been in 2 minds wether or not to sell it for a few weeks! I'll get you some pics up tonight lamping king.
  7. Well as usual, i thin out my collection then buy more guns a few months later like a silly boy! Well now need the room for my big boys toys so getting rid of my air arms s410 in .22, this guns less then 4 months old fired less then 60 shots and is in good nick, got a few marks on the stock , which ill try and get out tonight. Wanting £375 for the gun with a SMK 4x40 scope on it will also chuck a 3x9x40 that i have no use for. Or £400 for the gun, scopes,slip and a new model Webley Ultra guide (cost me £134 10 weeks ago!) Collection Only and I'm in Sunny Carlisle , Cumbria. Cheer
  8. Got a wee whippet pup anorl mate. Haven't got the room for anymore at the minute moving out soon though, maybe next time theres a litter bud Is your house the end one beside the field?
  9. Aye i do. Do a bit with the dogs, mainly used to just shoot but prefer working the dogs now. Old mans Andy Gray.
  10. I prefer the racy type with a decent head on them maybe a 3/4 bred. That dog of yours looks a cracker stej. Just clicked on who you are Stej by the way, used to live over the road from me on Bev Rise, think you used to go out with my old man & yours shooting on the back field didnt ya?
  11. Thats just some bloke, probably a hunter in a ghillie suit , chewbacca outfit lol.
  12. Lol what the f**k surely ebay has a spell check or something he could use, thats awful. ( as is the car, looks like an evo?Dont think he's seen many evos!)
  13. Feck me thats a work of art that socks! Looking forawrd to seeing the finished product.
  14. shredded beef with chilli & garlic sauce & egg fried rice, f n lush!
  15. Similar colour to this one? We've had a few of these escape, this one was found in the sink 10 mins ago. Never seen them with wings, but ive seen the fat black ones ( noisy b*****ds) with wings if we've kept them for a while.
  16. I hate the little tw@ts! We have them here for feeding the reps, have done for bout 10 years , cant be that lucky because in 10 years i've still not won the lottery!
  17. The BoP is stunning! Sketched something a bit similiar for a friend of mine except it was a phoenix so it was in oranges & yellows. She still hasnt had it done but when she does ill get some pics up.
  18. Very nice Miss T, my OH is getting a butterfly there in a few week!
  19. tell you whats better than the view if you stand on the desk open the window i can have some pot shots at the crows and that ,that steal the hen food Like your style lol
  20. Heres my cleaned desk lol . No more empty bottles and cans , can see my screen properly now!
  21. Id put money on there being bull in that dog.
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