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Everything posted by Ballybricken

  1. Lol yeah think we could be onto something here manda Theres a book i'll keep an eye out for. Cheers DS!
  2. Lol don't worry ive pondered this myself i quite fancy training my burmese to bring down deer , but she's far too lazy!
  3. If i can ratch the Arthur C Clarke book out ill drop you a PM bud.
  4. I think ill just keep trying ebay, sounded like a good read! Yeah its amazing to think whats managed to survive in our country with totally different climates and diets then they would be used to. Isn't there a colony of rat snakes somewhere in Wales, now I reckon if one of my black rat snakes got out over the winter it'd wouldn't stand a chance of surviving yet these buggers in Wales aren't just existing they're a breeding colony! Thats not a bad idea Manda mate
  5. Cheers TSA , read something called the beasts that hide from man but im sure that was in a Arthur C Clarke book, which is also the same book that stemmed my interest in the possibility of ABC's in the UK.
  6. Fooking hell thats some size!
  7. I think i might look that book up , and theres another you mentioned it a while ago DS , 'the unatural wildlife of britain' or something similar , I duly googled it and drew a blank I'll try this guy I've bought a fair few books from him over ebay am sure he had a stand at lowther!
  8. Ive read somewhere that the odd asian water cat has been hit by a car and same with a leopard cat , but there not massively different to a domestic cat so cant really see them bringing calfs and sheep down and are far from these labrador sized beast roaming the country. That coupled with the fact that the brunt of these released exotics were actually released way back in the 70's surely they'd all have died out by now, unless there breeding?? Its a topic that i'm very interested in but its one of them things i'd need concrete evidence before I believed it.
  9. Lol get a Remote Control Boat!
  10. Yeah im not 100% sure but theres only ever been one melanistic puma (cougar) shot and even then it could still have been a jaguar , i think it was in New Mexico or somewhere around there. And fooking ell digga my big permission is out Brampton way .. i'll be keeping my eyes peeled.
  11. Alright , im fairly sure not positive though but blackwhippets off here may be breeding some in the forth coming months. Cheers Karl
  12. i deffo think that its a lazy farmer. i went back the other day without the terrier to have a good spy around and theres nothing but fox/terrier (cant tell the differnce realy ) prints any where to be found, nothing even lurcher size. i got meself all exited n started askin round bout big cats.... thes a lot of people whos seen stuff round carlisle area!!! plus thes a lad (wont mention his name) whos devoted to catching a big cat. hes got his own pack of hounds trained for the job. if A.M. is on this site or anyone knows him.... hows he getting on with catching 1???? Now yo
  13. Haha the Croglin Vampires aswel! For the amount of fields,woods,hills and the like in Cumbria there is very few Big Cat sightings.
  14. If a little tap dont work try cocking it and firing it with the barrel aimed to the ground sometimes that jerks them out if that failed .. make sure the bulbs empty then drill into it and pull it out there a real pain in the arse for doing this, best way to avoid it is to put a dab of oil on the top of the CO2 bulbs before putting them in , the crosman ones are apparently already lubed up but even still ive had them stick
  15. Ballybricken

    Is it safe

    Freeze em for a few week first to kill the worms off , I feed my dogs with them if we got any spare and now and again the boas get one.
  16. Comply or Die is the tip i got today , and i pulled hedgehunter in the sweepstake.
  17. Lol dont envy you there mate! Aye ill give you a bell!
  18. Nice one mate, well have to grab a few ciders next week bud
  19. He's a mad c**t that Johnny Kingdom .. aye he has plenty of game
  20. Im a chef and I love it , kinda got into catering by accident and I've not looked back since!
  21. There's no closed season on either. Cant sell the hares from 1stMarch to 31st on July though.
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