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Everything posted by jackthedog

  1. good luck with your new pup mate
  2. nice looking dog mate keep up the good work
  3. some very strange pictures on there
  4. somebodies face upside down with glasses on
  5. very good whats the difference between a hooker and a drug dealer? a hooker can wash her crack and sell it again
  6. what english word can have 4 of its 5 letters taken away and still retain its original pronunciation
  7. what is it that no man ever saw, which never was, but always will be
  8. two fleas on a fanny. one is a burglar. one is a junkie. how do u tell them apart? the burglar is hiding in the bush. and the junkie is sniffing the crack
  9. it finally all makes sense...i never looked at it this way before: MENtal illness, MENstrual cramps, MENtal breakdown, MENopause, GUYnocologist and when we have real trouble, its a HISterectomy! ever notice how womens problems start with F---ing MEN?
  10. brilliant thats give me a good laugh
  11. PMT ha ha i like that answer but its not the one i have
  12. ha ha mind you i did wear platform shoes i loved them
  13. your to young to remember crimpoline, basically if you wore it it made you feel like you had wet yourself as it stuck to you an idea of what some people wore in the 70's & 's http://www.makebelievecostumes.co.uk/catalogue.asp well i was ateenager in the 70s and i never wore anything that looked like those
  14. what 3 letters changes a girl into a woman
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