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Everything posted by jamie7344

  1. Not my litter lads its me dads he could of used scouser if he wanted the dogs coming 18 month old same age as the father to your bitch was dogman28 when he startes lining bitches and this dig at 18 month old has actually ran winter hares not got injured every december til april remember ive seen um run I can comment but like I say its me dads litter his bitch I said use scouser he said no he will ebd up with big wooly things so thats that if they no good let him worry about it its no concern of any of yous really
  2. Wooly bitch is me dads bitch he decided to use a dog calked Duke bred off digger (benji x barney x jims belle) to queenie (barney x jims belle)
  3. If yas wanna get on with ya own things boys al get on with mine but getting people to come on ere and fire ya bullets for ya and al keep right back at yas please ya selves
  4. And the bitch I was on about getting blew off on a levered was that beet storm scrap it got blew off and hare skipped into wood then straight after my hedge jacker splattered 1 same field but mine was a bad hare as they always are lol
  5. Tommy av never told no lies on ere about any dogs I never had a bad word for paul till he started carrying on on facebook falling out for f**k all like he has done with everyone else I'm not on about the day we went with shep although that day it was Joan that ran 3 killed 2 1 on engine lane and 1 on the stubble I had it on camera jamie ran 3 killed 1 and was slipped on 1 he never got on I get loads of lads asking me what the dog was like and I tell them truth when I seen him he was a decent dog not a world beater a decent dog and in the pub when we was on about scouser and Jamie we were talki
  6. That's it nans pat at end of day this game is full of baggers who never own a good dog and it just makes this job harder if everyone could be honest or like you say only use dogs they seen run we would all benefit
  7. It's all daft arguments over dogs Ryan all they got to make a dig at me is about a 9 month old pup not goin thru a hedge that was at north Kyme that run I porpously ran that hare on a tiny field full of hedges to see if the zaps off fences had put him off that young pup was only dog that stopped a hare that day by the way the lad that was videoing turned and said after he ran his pure article on a hare f**k this rubbish I need barney breed lol I don't care what's said about my dogs am not money orientated when it comes to dogs I wouldn't take no money for me dogs fensarefarbutistillgo will tel
  8. Mine loves hedges glad I used scouser and not a dog that's never layer eyes on a winter hare good luck lmao
  9. Ask ya mate bout last time he came with me and me Bro in laws useless white price of scrap got toed round Southport for 3 mins then blew to bits at end of run by a levered too many lads listen to the hype and run and use digs on bitches but can't beat seeing um run with ya own eyes common sense tells you exactly why I used scouser
  10. No it was end of July mate 9 months old I 2nd hare it had ever seen pal fens are far seem him run thru winter and if he had been 13 month like said that would of been start of December and as ya mates know I never ran with them after very start of the season av got loads of runs here mate of ya pals dog just let us know and al get a copy of dvd done got a lovely run on some black stuff over Southport real good hare
  11. What when it was 9 month old? Av got plenty of runs on dvd ere got camera discs with al sorts if bigged up dogs on getting dragged about
  12. Bred off molly x scouser molly was bonnie x sam and scouser was barney x judy
  13. I was very happy with him desert head he's still here and am doing a repeat breed soon as the bitch breaks all pups spoken for off the strength of the first litter
  14. Am not referring to Nero I mean salukis in general not many salukis about that are upto same standard of bulldozer and so on so if I was gonna use a dog I may aswell go use something that could do what I want a dog to do
  15. And the pups off cindy are tidy things really fancy fens bitch just off looks but they shud be hare killers I ran and owned cindy and she was a bitch that was always gonna produce a pup all that line do
  16. My opinion must come across wrong lol all I said is I haven't got the bollox to breed off a dog that's no good just coz it's a pure saluki
  17. I didn't say everything off a saluki is no good just said there's been more goodens bred off best to best breeding hoe many bred off a pure saluki ever won a forley cup
  18. Lacey was 1 of the best you've owned but she wasn't as good as Stella bonnie qhitney
  19. Young lads reading this would be lead to belive that breeding off untried under par incapable dogs was the way foward in breeding fact of the matter is the only ever consistent producing saluki was deacon and put to foxy produced casper who W's probably as good as bill dog pip and the other pure saluki offspring but craig didn't rate him as good as foxy or snowy the ones I've seen bred off pures lack gears for real good hares unless your Stood slap bang in the middle of fens and we all know them days are gone we need dogs capable of killing hares anywhere
  20. If bonnie judy roxy whitney Stella were bred direct off pures I'd agree with you
  21. When u think about it the only dogs we can comment on and compare are ones we seen run with are own eyes the best and most consistent on any land that me and you both seen fens are far were not bred off pure salukis
  22. Was they as good as foxy if not and she was top class then they wasn't lol
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