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Everything posted by jamie7344

  1. i had a dog outta jz's saluki back to his old bitch mischief
  2. susie (charlie x seagull) to sniffer (charlie x foxy)
  3. is that kya from telford if so ihave a pup on its way out of his dog called silver hes also out of lucky has [NO TEXT TALK] seen silver run thankz never seen it run but i've heard it's a proper good dog, me mates bin out with it loads a times and reckons it's the best dog he's seen.
  4. buddy came from down south then a fella from cumbria got him, sold him to minshaw it went through a few hands then nuttall ended up with it.
  5. a lad from goole had the dog when he was young and give him away cause when he let himoffthe lead he couldn't get him back, he was gutted when he turned out a top class dog.
  6. no probs , join us tmorrow if you like , goin to a match then have a run with mr munchausen whos matching tyson?? 2 mates of mine davy and jim f , £500 to the winner , i reckon jim will pisss it , might have a side bet on the day Keep ya money in ya pocket
  7. It's seven months,it's out of indy x casper.
  8. I've just got the dog back for me mate, i'll let u know how she gets on th weekend. is your bitch back out this weekend jamie?? Not this week mate, she's gettin a well deserved break, the first one this season. fair play mate. you stil out this weekend though? do you course with the lad that has the dog sam your going to put to your bith?? Gonna have a walk with a couple of me mates, not goin lincoln though just some peat land about half an hour away, it's just as big as the fens though and is always soft. Just had a rabbit with me indy pup aswell, killed it easy, it's a
  9. I've just got the dog back for me mate, i'll let u know how she gets on th weekend. is your bitch back out this weekend jamie?? Not this week mate, she's gettin a well deserved break, the first one this season.
  10. I've just got the dog back for me mate, i'll let u know how she gets on th weekend.
  11. shes 24'' tts , only saw her run once but she ran very well , me mate from doncaster saw her run a few times and was well impressed so i got her as me mate davy has a few dogs on and aint ran this little beauty for 3 weeks as hes favoring his white dog HITLER out of i think ICE which jst recently died What other dogs has he got now? what's the mother to the one out of ice?
  12. She looks well, she's the double of Judy bit smaller, she's about 18 month old now, i sold her Davy for £1000 shouldn't have sold her though as i've only got 1 dog to run now. Let us no how you get on with her mate.
  13. Dam: Stella out of gc's Joe to Scottish bitch called Gyp. Sire: Lenny out of FH's charlie to JZ's Mischeif. stella is litter sister to my brindle bitch may Thats the 1, it's dead now, was a good little bitch. she died same week as moe did It's a shame, Stella was a more up an at um type of dog, but Moe was a much better stayer. did you ever see may run ? she an up and at em type pretty aggressive too , she always trys to nail strange dogs little fecker , but i like to see the aggression in them , moe was the opposite very placid bitch Didn't see May ru
  14. Dam: Stella out of gc's Joe to Scottish bitch called Gyp. Sire: Lenny out of FH's charlie to JZ's Mischeif. stella is litter sister to my brindle bitch may Thats the 1, it's dead now, was a good little bitch. she died same week as moe did It's a shame, Stella was a more up an at um type of dog, but Moe was a much better stayer. did you ever see may run ? she an up and at em type pretty aggressive too , she always trys to nail strange dogs little fecker , but i like to see the aggression in them , moe was the opposite very placid bitch Didn't see May ru
  15. Dam: Stella out of gc's Joe to Scottish bitch called Gyp. Sire: Lenny out of FH's charlie to JZ's Mischeif. stella is litter sister to my brindle bitch may Thats the 1, it's dead now, was a good little bitch. she died same week as moe did It's a shame, Stella was a more up an at um type of dog, but Moe was a much better stayer.
  16. Dam: Stella out of gc's Joe to Scottish bitch called Gyp. Sire: Lenny out of FH's charlie to JZ's Mischeif. stella is litter sister to my brindle bitch may Thats the 1, it's dead now, was a good little bitch.
  17. She's the only dog i've had for past two seasons, i like avin 1 u can put all ur effort into it.
  18. Not to bothered she could do with a week off she's been hammered all year.
  19. The ground was spot on mate, on 2nd run it went on a concrete path full of stones, and she was twistin and turnin on it.
  20. Probably av a walk with one of the lads, leavin me bitch in this week, she smashed her feet up on her 2nd run the other day.
  21. Caught us on there, kicked off then ended up givin us permission. Its 1 big feild more like a fen, and full of hares.
  22. Dam: Stella out of gc's Joe to Scottish bitch called Gyp. Sire: Lenny out of FH's charlie to JZ's Mischeif. sounds good to me! how old is it? 16 month, very fast but got good wind aswell.
  23. Dam: Stella out of gc's Joe to Scottish bitch called Gyp. Sire: Lenny out of FH's charlie to JZ's Mischeif.
  24. perfect in the mornin but started dryin out later on.
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