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Everything posted by jamie7344

  1. better them as wet feet all day u need some stop you sinking in that wet jamie likes top going when its slops he says his dogs r injured i not arguing with handicapped lad on an open forum i'll be hanged...........u ok ian matey? lolol
  2. You are talking about young rambo who was out of jan jack and macs old bitch Jess .My dad had the full litter sister called pearl , he gave it to him as he was already running the other sister bess and Rambo.My da will allways be gratefull for that as he had no dog to run due to his own snapping his hock . The pics are of old rambo ! correct
  3. not sure mate me dad had a black and tan bitch off him blaze x merlin x eve bitch, she would be 17/18 now if it was alive, whens this f****n book ready like you been writing a word a month all the TOP coursing lads are eager to read it
  4. be like looking at your pup in a =year or so in my opinion the best stud dog ever this dog could graft mac turned down so much money for this dog a superb black dirt dog this dog as we know was put to eve producing three cracking bitches millie seagull and bow mb bow was put to dels dog producing three match dogs did you ever see blaze run ian think he was the brother to micky drews joe?
  5. she was decent old bitch seen her run all her life not top class but decent honest bitch and killed plenty of hares
  6. better them as wet feet all day u need some stop you sinking in that wet
  7. u had to mention um didn't ya lol that was tets fault it was either them or me trainers
  8. he was off freds old dog duke mate cant remember his mother now
  9. macs rambo mac with fred pup off rambo
  10. I'm sure there are a few on here that are decent folk, like the ones I mentioned above who ran in the Forley Cup. The ones I think are jumped up faggots, are the wannabees and hangers on who do nothing more than buy a saluki and a dvd and spout pish...... bit like you toby..... u are welcome to come out baw with us be interesting to see what your fast things do with our big bunnies Thanks for the invite Karlsberg, pm sent mate Just to clear the air, it was tongue and cheek what I said about the coursing guys on here. Of course I rate what you do. You do what you like doing an
  11. very good hares especially on the blackland a bit further on
  12. i've seen loads out of buddy run only seen 1 yap and that was the odd yip when she was unfit, more things to worry about in coursing than odd yip ere and there rather that than 1 of them useless slow things that never gets close enough to a hare to bother yappin at
  13. buddy has a big head which comes off fred holmes old stud dog duke he's got decent width in between his front legs thats trademark of nuttalls stuff seagull, foxy ect altho he never looked it on the pictures casper was a stronger superior looking dog to buddy bigger longer and more powerful on the front end
  14. buddy bred foxy x charlie, foxy line bred merlin x eve charlie goes back to laddie street accident breeding thru rambo and duke.
  15. you talked me out of that 1 you b*****d i thought she was gonna look like a pure saluki at 6 weeks reminds me of merlin
  16. 1 got to semi final of forley in first season lee he got beat on flick of a coin after drawing 3-3.
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