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Everything posted by jamie7344

  1. cant say i've ever noticed a dog being hindered by its colour when its running to be honest
  2. think she was off a pure saluki to a lurcher of unknown breeding
  3. salby and mablethorpe mablethorpe killed a couple round there last week good uns round there near the caravans they go under um killed a few near windmills and austen fen always thought the hares on austen and aston were piss poor tbh all round that covenham resevoir were bad hares compared to the fens jmo
  4. everytime you go to ken he says yea shoulder out bit in back and hips out this dog will be short striding, same bollox everytime, old lad i used to do greyhounds for took a dog to him he sed its back hip and shoulder was out and supposedly put um back in , the lad put dog in van got same dog back out took it back to him 20 secs later and he sed same shite lol............paul evans at oldham is the best i've been to he's a proper vet
  5. her dam was a saluki lurcher bit of a henize57 type had whippet in her, she had sister called lua lua supposed to have been a gooden
  6. all litter made just average very very good stickers tho i used a dog i owned myself over a bitch off blaze that belonged to me dad stupid really as the dog i used was very average
  7. me pal has the dvd i havent seen it yet supposed to be a real bitch by all accounts
  8. for sure got to be past her best i personally think they never the same after a litter of pups but no excuses for whoever wins if they old enough to match they old enough to get beat
  9. yes they are matching my money on lucas as mona is geting on a bit now had a litter of pups and had 2 bad injurys the way mona is bred on the mothers side, they last forever like duracel bunnies i had sister to monas mother she ran till she was 8 1/2 on the fens
  10. micky drews joe merlin x lilly.......merlin was full brother to rebel and lilly full sister to eve
  11. that blaze looks a very deadly killer on this dvd
  12. real old footage of of bow and blaze, blaze was owned and ran by fat gary, who owned the famous eve bow ended up with don southerd as an old stud dog both these dogs were direct out of REBEL (toby the hoover x fly) full brother to merlin and there dam was EVE (dawn x prince) bow is the fawn dog and blaze the black and tan. bare with the footage as it starts off poor but gets better.
  13. yes she very very boxy knocks the pace out of the hares then bursts in with gears good mouth on her.......edited to say she got a very bad wrist injury on that 3rd run
  14. cheers mate.....i like what i've seen off him.. do the rest of his offspring have a simlar style?
  15. i think they used to duck tape camara to their foot
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8RYIXC3ceM
  17. 3 legs (judy) when we took her to buddy
  18. fcuk hes a hairy whippet lol lolol pedigree a swear lol and only 34tts ha what bred is the hairy dog. off coursing stuff mate saluki lurcher
  19. fcuk hes a hairy whippet lol lolol pedigree a swear lol and only 34tts
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