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Everything posted by dalglish

  1. i lik e i like day time coursing not kocling lamping just wanted to no what people thought ps iam not aprit
  2. what do you think of coursi g hares in the lamp pre ban ive got my opinion
  3. its just the course never bothered about how many you caughet
  4. mum got it wrong it got away down fields chased it but wont pick up keep trying see you later
  5. its 11 month old retreves skin on a stick it wiil chase but it doesent try to pick it up
  6. its 11 month old put skin on a stick and it retreves at aloss
  7. tried every thing dropped rabbits just wants to play nny more suggestions :sick:
  8. anybody got good tattoes of lurchers coursing any pics have one done cheers
  9. thanks for your help will try it let you no the otcome
  10. ad lurchers over 30 years got a pup at the noment wont pick arabbit up any tips doesnt seem interested
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