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border man

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Everything posted by border man

  1. thanks country joe. will give them both a call
  2. thanks for that if no feed back expect a call
  3. thanks for the reply unfortunatly i dont understand what all that electical jargon means. can you put it a little clearer for me please?
  4. hi all . does anyone sell new or totally refurbed mk1 ferret locators and collars?
  5. hi all just a quick one. does anyone make new or totally refurbed mk 1 ferret finders. mine has come to a nasty end. have tried the mk3 and did not like it. thanks
  6. thanks for the feedback skycat. thinki.ve got my choice of next dog sorted. will be in a few years though still got a pair of borders that do me proud at the moment. finding a well breed pup will be the prob i think. how do you find this cross for retrieving and being soft or hard mouthed?
  7. hi skycat . heard you keep and work a border whippet cross. would love a bit more info and poss a picture. have always kept borders myself and love thier temprement and work ethic . doing more ferreting than digging now and thought this cross would suit me as my next dog when it comes time. thanks for any feedback in advance
  8. really interested in the .22 have got a slot and only live in bridgend. whats the accuracy like. i.e group size at 50 m. cheers
  9. Hi all, have got a job interview as a trainee pest control officer for a local council. would really appreciate a few pointers to help prepare for it .thanks all
  10. Hi all, just a quick one. Been ferreting for a good couple of years without a locator. Never lost a ferret by the way. just spent a lot of time sitting waiting. Well took the plunge this year and bought a mk3 . Problem is the locator collars keep on catching on the nets as the ferrets pass through and messing them up..Any tips to stop this happening would be much apprecitiated. Thanks all
  11. Thanks for the feedback guys. Food for thought indeed. Thanks again all. Would love more opinions
  12. What are your views on breeding true to type. Worker to worker is the only way forward so why do so many of us stay breed specific. I'm as guilty as anyone but am now questioning it. What does it matter what it looks like as long as it does what you want. if working ability is all we are looking for wont types come and go as we strive for a better and better working terrier. All views and input more than welcome. Thanks
  13. great pics and great looking dogs a credit to you
  14. hi all, can i use a deben long range terrier locator with a deben mk3 ferret collar . this would be thier 40ft reciever with a mk3 16 ft collar. thanks all
  15. will the long range terrier locator pick up the mk3 ferret collars
  16. thanks for all the feed back guys. gonna think long and hard on this one.like i said never had to spend out before have been lucky but there could be that one time.thanks all
  17. i'm not on about when a dog gets knocked about a bit on a dig i'm talking about if a dog needed some expesive veterinary treatment. good dogs are hard to come by . you think the time and money you spend on a good dog. where do you draw the line are you gonna let a good bitch die if she needs a c section. or a dog suffer with a bust up leg. was just asking to see if anyone did insure thier working terriers.looks like most don't.
  18. having just spent £300 on my bitch and no pups either was wondering if it was worth getting insurance in future on all my working terriers would cost a bit each month . have never really had to spend out in the past only antibiotics and jabs.do any working terrier boys insure thier dogs.thanks
  19. thanks for all the advice guys, bitch doing fine. a little lost but not looking for pups or anything. will keep her busy.had a litter out of her a few years ago all fine then just one of those things i guess. like a farmer friend of mine says livestock is deadstock. thanks
  20. bitch lost all her pups last one died an hour ago only had 3 ,had to have a c section one live pup delivered brought her home she seemed rough with it.that one just gone now. any advice. goind to vets in morning. bugger
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