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Everything posted by Danny123

  1. Looks a nice dog, i do like the collie crosses.
  2. I seem to be unlucky with dew claws, or should i say my dogs seem to be unlucky. My lurcher has ripped hers off 3 times, the 1st time was her 1st time out ferreting, which bled a little for a few minutes but didnt stop her from catching the next bolted rabbit. Then after having my terrier for a few weeks he knocked his dew claw which ended up coming off. Therefore i totally agree that they should be removed (as a pup preferably) because they seem to be of little use and cause hassle that could be avoided.
  3. sounds good to me. should be enough there for a nice stew or am i being gready
  4. Bet your gutted about the weather, saying that 4 bunnies is alot better than 0. Thats some treehouse int it.
  5. Cheers everyone for your replys.
  6. The hob was at least 6 years old and was vasectomised at around 2 years old. I was told that the vets take away a small amount of the tube away in vasectomy because if they took away a large section it would result in the equivelent of a castration therefore no sex drive. :sick: The reason i started this post was because next week im having 2 jills speyed and have never had any speyed before, so wondered how others deal with their jills. It seems that if you are to have a hob vasectomised your spending alot of money and crossing your fingers each time hes in with a jill.
  7. Thanks everyone look forward to speaking to you all.
  8. Last year for the first time i used a vasectomised hob over 2 of my jills. The result was not what i expected. One jill came out of season, then seemed to come back into season at a later date, the other jill had a litter of kits. I was later told that this somtimes happens especially a few years after the operation, due to the 'snip' re-connecting. Would appreciate thoughts and experiences with vasectomised hobs, and what people do about jills in season-and why? Thanks Danny.
  9. I'm new to the site so thought i would say hello to everyone. I have a 2 lurchers, a terrier and 4 ferrets.
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