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i am the undertaker

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About i am the undertaker

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 13/06/1954

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    the south
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  1. yea was a good day out and all dogs peformed well roll on next week A
  2. sum years back i loaned a russull dog to a mate 3 year old 100% fox dog on the conditions if i need him back one phone call would do the job when i say a mate i really mean a gezzer i have known most of my life any way 10 months on made the call as my other terriers were all knock up the reply i got was no i have look after and feed the dog for all most a year and you are not haveing it back i said i will be round in ten minuets any way after a few f--ks and one or two punches i got the dog back took it out the following day the first earth i tried he flew to ground started to bay got a m
  3. is this the clough bitch ? tidy type hope she serves you well yes this is her picked her up last weekend took her out last sunday just let her do her own thing was very pleased as she is just 13 months old and spent most of her life in a kennel
  4. we had another good day three foxes two dogs one vixen not in cub took my new russell bitch out for the first time (bob clough lines ) very pleased with her still only young early days
  5. had a good season about 50 digs very lucky got some bits off ground i have allways found earth hold better after xmas than before had 3 on sunday
  6. about 25 years ago a mate brought a K C lakeland did a bit of showing as a puppy did very well at about 6 month old started to get very aggressive he could not wait till it was of age to work he kept a few working lakeland all 100% digging dogs the KC one was not worth a tap and all credit to him he really tried i am not saying that they will not work but why spend £400 plus 2 to 3 years hoping you MIGHT ! ! have a worker
  7. is that terrier a bull russell called spike no mate the fathers side is gouldy lines to a irish bitch
  8. been out today had a small dog fox went on to find another one which bolted, which we missed with the gun as my mate was looking the wrong way as he thought he had spotted bin laden but it was only our other mate with his hat on
  9. well done dev we had one just before xmas picked it up at 3ft started to dig after coffee and smoke as we broke through it moved got it again about 17ft deep gave it abit of time well over half hour time to start digging just got the turf of the land owner cam over to see how we was geting on told him how deep it was 5 mins later he came back with JCB still took a good couple of hour the last 2ft buy hand it was one hell of hole if had come to it we would have dug it buy hand goog result at the end
  10. a mate of mine brought a plummer afew year back 100% fox dog so add said took it out digging found afox to ground but would not stick agood nose but in and out like ajack in box my oldest son had agood beddie would draw fox in style but to big for earth work he was only sold last week as a stud dog one of best i have seen
  11. Has it been worked? I knew Cloughie well, years ago and his stuff was good then; if he hasn't become show only then it should have improved. i picked her up this morning good looking bitch spent most of her life in a kennel seen nothing i will give her a week to settel in and take her out next weekend wont expete to much this season but high hopes
  12. been offerd a 14 mounth russell bitch clough breeding dont know much about his stuff these days just want to know if any of you lad work them to ground i know his stuff was good any thought
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