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Everything posted by chrisbullx

  1. Nice pups mate credit 2 u!! Like the sire and dam 2 good with sale mate atb cbx
  2. sorry its not up too me to say who ownes him if the person who does not put it on here himself. i got no interest in telling people who owns what and were sorry. Only asked mate!!been passed around a bit 4 such a good dog!! Atb cbx
  3. Still got your snuggie and cow shaped slippers u bum

  4. What u up 2 pablo escabar!!!

  5. Nice pup mate fairplay!! Who actually owns arthur now mate?? Atb cbx
  6. I've pm u dai's number mate atb cbx
  7. Dai dogs off here sells chicken mince lads pm him I think he delivers as well if u buy in bulk atb cbx
  8. Nice bitch mate pitty u got let her go atb with sale mate atb cbx
  9. FAGGOT ha ha ha ha BUMMER!!!

  10. FAGGOT ha ha ha ha BUMMER!!!

  11. My mate dean29 on hear had 1 he was 1 hardest and gamest dogs I've ever seen and he was a good sire produced some cracking working dogs just gutted the old man has gone!!! At least me and dean stil got stuff out of him atb cbx
  12. I bred a litter of pups sire was 3\4 bull 1\4grey dam was 1\2bull 1\2grey so they stil 5\8 3\8 but 5\8bull 3\8grey??? I believe??
  13. no mate they were bull collie saluki grey x bull grey here's a pic of one of the pups he bred the pup looks very similar 2 the sire 2 bobhopes pups thats y i asked bobhopes my mate atb with sale mate cbx
  14. bullgreyhounds and wheatongreyhounds both make cracking works bred and brought up the right way and they both have plenty of prey drive and dont mind the sharp end so y not mix them like i did and have the best of both worlds 1 of the best dogs ive seen is chris hicklings dog off hear is bred that way he keeps this x and just wheatongreyhounds and they all 1st class workers and we bred a litter last year out his wheatonbullgreyhound dog and my halfx bitch and they only 7months now the 1 got and cousons 1 r smashing rats now and showing plenty of promise in my oppion its the perfect x 4 hard gr
  15. did bobhope off hear breed him mate nice pup atb with sale mate cbx
  16. belter of pup atb with the her mate cbx
  17. quality fair play mate ul make a killing with these trust me atb cbx
  18. my 1st dog was a border bitch i was only 8 me and my oldest brother had some cracking days out of her ferreting and ratting 1 hell of a nose,busher and marker!!!! they make cracking digging dogs 2 bred right atb cbx
  19. this pup will make good dog 4 some 1 and yes it is ginny that i had brainy mate atb with sale dean
  20. bullx or wheatonx will hunt mate and take plenty of stick week in week out mate atb cbx
  21. pup had another rat yesterday number 4 now hes f*****g mental over the moon with him cracking litter we bread mate il email u some pics atb cbx

  22. sorry about that mate i forgot!!!!! i remeber now fly77 brought is greyhound down deans and left her there 4 a few days sorry about that mate got my wires crossed atb with the pup anyway atb cbx
  23. they out of dean29s 1/2deerhound 1/2bull dog and 1/2bull 1/2greyhuond bitch that fly77 own but dean got her now so the pups r 1/2bull 1/4deerhound 1/4greyhuond if that helps lads atb cbx
  24. pup killed 3 rats now mate aint bad 4 6months

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