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Everything posted by chrisbullx

  1. My grandfather-in-law used be a very good terrier man in his day had all different types of terriers & they were worked to the highest standards & 1 of his best digging dogs was a corgixrussell bow legs, long back & the ugliest dog you ever seen but hard as nails,never failed to find & would stay until dug to but sadly got killed at 10yr old in a kennel fight when he was in retirement but the stories of him will always be remembered atb cbx
  2. That's what you call a dig mate sorry about the bitch atb cbx
  3. Tidy dog that mixedbag what's he x with??? Atb cbx
  4. I've said before I'll say it again really like that bitch of yours hunter1234 mate attack fell terrier your dog is a nice animal to mate atb cbx
  5. Cheers bosun mate I appreciate it mate atb cbx
  6. Can anyone else help as I've sent 4 pm to ucrbuch but no reply!!!! As above post says & he's from huyton if anyone can help get me a contact number it will be much appreciated atb cbx
  7. Cheers blue staffy I was getting confused lol :D atb cbx
  8. She's coming on heaps & bounds danny mate nice strong pup atb cbx
  9. I'm not into coursing lads or salukixs but have read thru this thread with great interest, I take my hat off to coursing dogs because it takesa good dog to catch 1 hare in a day never mind 3, 4 or 5 imo but who actually owns bulldozer is it gorger??? Atb cbx
  10. To many jealous people in the hunting game I've read nearly every terrier book there is & I can honestly say mr harcombes are by far the best imo & he's probably forgot more than half of us know about digging & he's still going I take my hat off to him you got to give credit where its due imo atb cbx
  11. that's him mate if you could get me his number be much appreciated mate atb cbx
  12. Cheers bosnun mate he was a nice genuine bloke mate & he said he keeps himself to himself that him & a couple of his mates kept they own line of black uns!! I've asked a few of my mates from up your way but they said they didn't know him!! I just liked to know how the dog is getting on I always keep in touch with all the pups I've bred as I don't do for ££ side I do it for my own use,my mates & for tidy lads to hav decent & honest dogs!!! Atb cbx
  13. Alright lads I don't know if any of you can help me I'm looking for a bloke called wilf from up your way he's in his 40s,wears glasses & he keeps his own line of black uns!! Why I'm asking I sold him a wheatonbullgreyhound pup that I bred about 2 1/2yrs ago now but I lost contact with him when the pup was about 9-10 months old as I broke my phone & all my contacts was saved to my phone just wanted to know how dog is getting on & maybe some 1 knows him & could get me his contact number,as the rest of litter are doing the business cheers atb cbx
  14. I agree with most that you have said mate but why have it got to be a smart looking dog mate?? That shouldn't matter mate it should be based on working ability I wouldn't care if a dog was bow legged,pointy ears,under shot & cock eyed as long as its a top worker & have proved itself over at least 3 or 4 seasons atb cbx
  15. Nice dog him to thomas mate atb cbx
  16. Do they make them for lurchers or just for terriers?? They look good to me atb cbx
  17. looks a really nice strong bitch bosun mate atb cbx
  18. Looks & colours don't mean nothing mate,its what's inside that counts atb cbx
  19. Great news that danny just hope the scum b*****ds had a good hidden atb cbx
  20. Liked that did you silentrunner lol :D & glad they off here paulus this game is full of them c**ts ruining the game & that's why there's so much rubbish about,we want lads in the hunting game all for the right reasons that's working they dogs & not trying to make ££ off them atb cbx
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