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Everything posted by chrisbullx

  1. I only got her & 3 terriers gaz,I put my old bullx bitch down a few months back which i was absolutely gutted with & I give my wheatenbullgrey dog to my mate as he needed a dog for the season & to bring pups on atb cbx
  2. not a special dogman mate just bother with good dogmen you don't breed for ££ just working ability atb cbx
  3. I did mate I don't need to pay I'm in the right circle of lads atb cbx
  4. here's nettle my colliebullgrey with dash of fellhound & deerhound in her I'm hoping we'll have many of good days & years on the hill together atb cbx
  5. haymin you do what you like mate but I still don't give f**k what anyone says £250 a pup is a f***ing joke plus I bet he'll sell um to any tom,Dick or harry with £250 atb cbx
  6. haymin why raise more pups than you can home mate?? I know I wouldn't I'd ask mates if they want pups 1st before bitch drops keep on her what my mates need cull rest its as simple as that atb cbx
  7. all terrain no pup worth £250 no matter how well bred working dogs have been ruined by ££ because of a attitude like that,I give my mate a guaranteed dog the other day because my morals are right & I jab,worm,deflea,feed the best diet with cod liver oil & redcell on all my pups all gifted to good genuine lads because I work for my ££ not breed from dogs for it atb cbx
  8. £250 a pup is beyond me like I can't believe there is so called dogmen selling pups for this type of ££!!! I give pups away if I breed a litter no matter how much it costs me to raise um I'm always out of pocket but its worth it to raise a litter give um to good working homes but ££ has ruined the game lads rant over atb cbx
  9. Did you ever think of breeding from your bitch skycat & carrying on with them?? Atb cbx
  10. You got to have um chipped now have you?? Atb cbx
  11. I know a vet who will travel to you £10 per pup & he'll ask for a bit of fuel back like
  12. Well I will be the 1st to say what another cracking show Andy & great bit of banter with a great bunch of lads,also a cracking auction & roll on next year lads atb cbx
  13. Sound Andy mate & see you there tomorrow mate atb cbx
  14. Andy the only thing I got to criticise about this show is no bullx puppy class you can't compare puppys 2 working adults & to put them in the lurcher puppy class is a waste of time because they completely different sorts & the judge will be a lurcher man you should do a bullx puppy mate the show would be complete then even if you don't still a great show atb cbx
  15. Only this show attend every year a quality show with a good bunch of lads & will see you all on the 27th atb cbx
  16. How everything goes ok for you trunk & the bitch & pups are in good health & fine atb cbx
  17. Spindolero you remind me of a pinemartin long,thin & smelly :-D :-D
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