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Everything posted by skinnyrat

  1. a lot of alsations have bad hips and sloped backs
  2. all the best for the future
  3. sorry to hear about your loss,but as the lads have said you did the right thing
  4. no offence pal,but 20 months is too young to be breeding a litter from,the dog hasnt even had a couple of seasons under its belt to prove itsself
  5. ratting wont make your ferrets kill rabbits faster,or more often,your ferret wants to kill every rabbit it comes across anyway,
  6. no expense spared,all credit to you
  7. that must cost you a few quid collie grey,with all the acreage you have to cover ,it might be cheaper hiring a cropdusting plane and do them all in one go good hunting Skinnyrat
  8. a good post juckler,as we all have the odd flea to dispose of,ive just paid 20 quid for a little bottle of frontline,and im in no hurry to pay that again,and as mine live in,i cant use any of the smelly stuff,
  9. i have also read that mixing kibble and raw is bad due to different digestion rates,the kibble causing the raw to hang up in the gut,causing problems,but this may just be an old wifes tale, good hunting Skinnyrat
  10. np,get a piece of rope,put it through your dogs collar,hold both ends,when you want to release dog,let go of one end
  11. gotta agree with socks,meat is the way to go not cereal
  12. nice 1 buster,all the best for the future
  13. as redminshaw says you can use BENZOYL BENZOATE, i think thats how its spelled,it doesnt make the dog smell to clever but should do the job, good luck Skinnyrat
  14. as bullet says wait till it has its teeth at least
  15. roadwork will harden up the pads,but it may be better to find somewhere to run thats a bit easier on the dog,years ago,before going on an outward bound course,i was advised to rub my feet with meths to harden up the skin,this may well work for dogs,im sure someone will know Skinnyrat
  16. wise words,socks and eggy
  17. you dont need to apoligse to me pal,but i would think long and hard before you start breeding dogs,all the best for the future Skinnyrat
  18. no offence weaton,but it sounds like your just gonna breed for the sake of breeding,why dont you just buy what you want,and save the dog world another ill concieved litter,some people will breed just because they happen to own a bitch
  19. they are a good old size ,over this side of the pond we can only dream about the stuff you yanks and aussies can hunt, good hunting to all Skinnyrat
  20. i have heard stamina comes from depth of chest,not width,but i guess some dogs have it and some dogs dont,whatever shape they are,strength and stamina are two different things,
  21. ive got a border lakey with one rear dewclaw
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