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Everything posted by skinnyrat

  1. tie a piece of washing line to his collar,and gently give him a little tug,this has worked for me before,as the previous poster had said,dont walk to him to get the dummy,as your just reinforcing him not comming to you,also,if hes coming to you and leaving the lure behind,it is a good idea to change the dummy to something he likes better,are you using a ball?as i have found a lot of lurchers soon get sick of a ball,try a cuddly toy or a rabbit skin,most dogs natural instinct is to take its prize to its bed,so if you can sit on the dogs bed it may come back a little easier,or use a hallway so t
  2. ive got a dog also,who does it around my bitch,
  3. if you have to,you have to,thats fair enough,and i dont think many will dispute it,But if nobody is gonna let stuff breed,how long is it gonna be,before theres nothing left?granted maby not for a while,but killing stuff thats heavy from suckling young,or cubs for the sake of it,is a selfish act(im gonna kill it before someone else does)and it doesnt say much for any of us if all we are teaching the younger ones,is to kill anything they see,what ever happened to respect?the kids nowadays dont respect thier elders,never mind thier quarry Skinnyrat
  4. Pest control - no problem lads work away. Bravado - well ard cub killers get a life ,well said dillon,
  5. got to agree with chilli,your username gives a mecenery impression,which may or may not be correct
  6. in your first post ,you are asking if there would be any interest in your pups,in your last post you are giving them all away to friends and family, ,good luck with your plans
  7. im calling in there tomorrow as its not too far from me,although at the price of diesel nowadays it would be cheaper getting it posted
  8. hope the pups turn out healthy,and everything goes ok
  9. thats a nice looking dog,and it looks to have made a decent size
  10. not everyone is on a decent income,or even works,maby if there so cheap,you wont mind sending him one to try it,its a good question imo
  11. thats a bit below the belt pal
  12. 12 /12 seems an awful lot for a pure greyhound to be running never mind catching
  13. skinnyrat

    bale of straw

    i agree rob,but the lad has only asked where he can get a bale of hay,
  14. skinnyrat

    bale of straw

    granted,the lad has made a few mistakes,but from what i can see people are just jumping on the lad at any chance they get,theres plenty of people who are going out running stuff at this time of year,but all that gets said to them is nice pics ,keep it up,fk the best thing you can do is to join again with a new name and start afresh
  15. skinnyrat

    bale of straw

    if he was a big ugly 6 footer,most of you would soon shut your traps and thats a fact
  16. everyone knows if you use heroin,you will very likley become an addict,so i suppose they know what they are letting themselves in for,anyone who steals or mugs or burgles,is scum,whatever thier excuse,if they need a fix,cant they just go and get methodone from a doctor,instead of mugging old ladies
  17. skinnyrat

    bale of straw

    it seems to me,its about time some of you lads stopped picking on the lad,he asks a simple question and just gets bullied by cybertoughs for his trouble
  18. every single one of them has a mental problem of some sort
  19. that looks a decent size, how big is it?
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