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Everything posted by skinnyrat

  1. ive only had 1 to do in a fortnight
  2. otters are nice..but i couldnt eat a whole one
  3. how about some multivitimin tablets,if there good enough for us humans,im sure they wont do a dog any harm
  4. i believe,stuff used for horses has quite a high sodium content,
  5. marco try using system restore,and just pick a date from a week or so ago (before you started getting problems)and save yourself some money,pm me if you dont know how do do it
  6. try kaspersky anti virus,its one of the best out there,you can get a 30 day free trial,
  7. got to agree with mapreader,taking a pup out on moonlit nights,imho,does them no favors,the rabbits just run straight in rather than run up and down the hedge,
  8. tie a bit of string to it and jiggle it,the movement may excite him to mouth it,also try using a dummy made from a different material as some dogs may prefer one material over another,rabbit skin is a good bet,good luck
  9. sorry to hear that,hope it mends ok
  10. if the dog will jump anything in the house,but wont jump when its out,then you have reached a situation where the dog has trained you,and its waiting for you to come back and pick it up,good luck with getting it sorted
  11. you say you have tried walking away and leaving it,well maby not for long enough,as now the dog knows that you are going to come back and pick it up eventually,find somewhere where the fences are lower,start small and build up
  12. north east,i have its litter sister,ive pmed you
  13. i got one out of the same litter pal and its,so similar in colour to yours i knew straight away it was from the same litter,i dont have a camera but will borrow one soon and send you a couple of pics
  14. tell it to sit,it cant be jumping if its sitting
  15. :thumbs-up: nice one lads,thats a good haul
  16. hope it does all you ask :thumbs-up:
  17. i dare say that not too many people have genuinly caught 100 with 1 dog,or even witnessed it,as its some feat,theres plenty of easy rabbits caught in the beer tent
  18. imo it would be better making sure his retrieve is sound before,trying to catch rabbits,as theres much more temptation to stay away from you,if it gets its teeth into live quarry,and if you start chasing it about the field your gonna have to keep chasing it about :11: ,good luck,im having trouble with my own 10 month old bitch,she will bring a rabbit back to about 6 feet away and crunches it,eventually bringing it in,after enough coaxing to scare away anything in the next field,but i havnt given up just yet and yes it would be much better when going out for the first few times to be without o
  19. it was just a bit of craic pal :11:
  20. they will come in to a dildo if you can get a decent tune out of it
  21. all the best for the future
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