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Everything posted by skinnyrat

  1. try the countrymans weekly ,out on thursday
  2. yes my Dad has offered to help . he has been hunting for many years but has told me to research the different breeds of terrier. does your dad not have a preference then,or has he told you to get what you want,if so just look at some pics and see what you like the look of and get one from working parents and you wont go too far wrong good luck Skinnyrat
  3. you wont catch many bolting rabbits with a terrier,as they dont have the speed for it,its fun for the dog though good hunting Skinnyrat
  4. sorry to hear that eddie,dont give up just keep asking about,youve got all summer.urban encroachment stinks for a lot of us pal, good luck
  5. lol,i liked flock of seagulls,boy he had a haircut didnt he,and off course the jam
  6. no offence but why are you going to mate a dog thats so young,not to mention hasnt proved itsself,if you want a beddyxwhippet,get one,theres far too many litters being bred from unproven dogs,why breed another
  7. ,b*****ds,i hope your pal gets his dogs back
  8. your still going to be waiting for a pointer x ,this time next year,as they dont come around very often,and by advertising as to what you want,you can guarantee some chancer will just happen to have what you are looking for. a pointer x is chance to be an accidental mating anyway
  9. it takes guts to admit you were wrong foxdropper,but being big enough to admit it,can only earn respect,
  10. 130 hole's,you must be keen,i curse if i have to lay 20 lol
  11. ive just let 30 go near me,ready for the breeding season. :ph34r:
  12. foxdropper your talking nonsense ,someone suggested you go read another book,well it doesnt look like you read the first one properly,as ive never seen it said anywhere about greyhounds having stamina
  13. if its reached 8 months old, thats some time wasting
  14. skinnyrat

    After answers

    Simple answer is be careful. Don't give too much away about what you're upto because those silly anti c**ts are watching this looking for tips. They can't sort it for themselves so why does everyone seem so intent on filling in the blanks for them? is there a reason why you quoted me plz pal,as i dont understand as to why?
  15. its a bit early in the year to get any ferrets,your best off waiting a couple of months and you will most likely get a couple of youngsters, and you will be able to try them next season,as its nearly the end of the season now,i know ive had young rabbits and milky does already,good luck
  16. skinnyrat

    After answers

    trespass isnt a criminal offence on its own,the landowner only has the right to ask you to leave,as your only walking a dog,but if you happen to be ferreting,lamping or coursing etc,then its time to take to your heels,
  17. im from aycliffe,they dont just hang em,they also vote them into the mayors office
  18. i just went to try a new farm the other day,and i happened to stray onto the neigbours,it was a genuine mistake ,the farmer just told me to drive along the road till i came to a barn,well i went a barn to far,i felt that maby i had,as the barn i was now at was halfway up a farm track,and i thought that the chances of owning two farms right next to each other and not mentioning it was slim,but i could see a real nice set just where i was,so i did what any self respecting rabbit hunter would do,i popped a couple o ferrets in.the other farmer came down the lane, saw me,he just waved at me and d
  19. i had a couple of milky does and even a couple of young ones,the other day
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