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Everything posted by skinnyrat

  1. lol,for sure,well heres hoping you never have to dip your hand in
  2. tickles are fine,as long as they dont hit your funny bone
  3. mark i believe you already stated your disbelief,in another thread,and i even stuck up for your right to disbelieve,but by stating your disbelief,again,you obiviously leave yourself open to critisism,as quite a few respected members of the site have also said they have either witnessed or have heard about the large bags that these dogs are capable off,and not all are owned by andy,ive never seen it,and if im honest,didnt think it even possible,but surly theres enough of the lads saying that its true,for it to maby be possible,when you stated your disbelief before,im sure that it was only andys
  4. I wish you would go the the moon lol
  5. ive had the quick release leads in the past,ive still got one somewhere,but prefer a rope through the collar,which as you say is no good for you
  6. micheal,im not sure as to the meaning of your last post,or even your first,are you saying your dog is a minshaw,or are you having a dig at the minshaw,?
  7. in all honesty pal,i think you have probally bitten off more than you can chew with getting 3 pups at the same time,as each dog needs some time spent with it one on one,and if your working that doesnt leave a lot of time to split up between 3 pups,but theres nothing wrong with being keen,and im sure you will learn from the experience,good luck for the future
  8. if your dog is a bull greyx whippet,surley it wouldnt have a rough coat?nice dog though
  9. skinnyrat

    THL Show/Fair

    shaun,your only a kick in the ass from me,aycliffe
  10. those are the kind of wellys boy george would wear if he went rabbiting ,dogs are nice though those little rough ones are crackers,good luck for the future with them bud good hunting Skinnyrat
  11. skinnyrat

    THL Show/Fair

    is that leeholm near shildon?
  12. nice one bud,im glad to hear that you are leaving the hares alone now till next year,as far too many people just keep running them all year,scum in my eyes
  13. your best asking for ferreting first,as most farmers will be reluctant to let a complete stranger wander about with a gun ,then try and bring the dogs on,you have all summer to find a bit,good luck
  14. just add a little fat to thier diet,ask the butcher for some fat,and add a little cube to thier meal,or feed fatty meat like breast of lamb,or full fat milk,double cream etc,good luck Skinnyrat
  15. thats a couple of nice looking lurchers
  16. sorry to hear that pal,i hope you have better luck than we did
  17. i dont know the man in question,or the quality of his mince,but i did used to work as a butcher,and know that not a lot of meat is wasted from a carcase,what usually is sold as beef mince is usually just lights(lungs)with little nutritional value,same with chicken,its usually just the carcase ground up with little meat on it
  18. ive heard that its best not to mix raw food with kibble due to different digestion rates,causing scouring
  19. this is the only shit ive read on here,of course a good diet plays an important role,you only need to look at the modern athlete,to see how important nutrition is,and you wont find many greyhound trainers who feed wagg,and as for excercise,you say plenty of rabbit chasing,so do you take your dog thats been laid up for the summer and just carry on as if it hadnt had a break,an unfit dog has much more chance of injury,fitness needs to be built up,you couldnt go out and run a marathon without training,but you expect your dog to?
  20. skinnyrat


    its bad enough to have a dog stollen(thankfully i havnt) but to have them burned alive thats awfull,
  21. no offence but thats a lot for a russell
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