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Everything posted by skinnyrat

  1. well done LDR,theres no doubt kat is a decent bitch,shame on the owner though
  2. well done mike,im made up for her,thats everything shes had now from rats upward,your doing her proud,looking forward to see what next season brings ,get its head mounted above the fire,that will please katie
  3. if you spill anything sticky on a keyboard,tea with sugar etc,unplug it,run it under the tap,then leave to dry for a good while,read this somewhere,ages ago,
  4. nice one mike,whats your lass saying about you being out with the dog,when you should be in the house shaving
  5. nice one mike,glad to see your getting her out a bit
  6. im glad your enjoying it mike,hope you and derry have many more nights out,
  7. its a disgrace the way they have been treated, http://www.gurkhajustice.org.uk/ sign up
  8. jasus you get some stick on this site mark he loves it ,hes like the max mosely of the rabbiting world
  9. hi pal,i hope she remains injury free for you,you will be glad to be able to let her off the lead at last no doubt,just work on her fitness for a few weeks and she will be good to go
  10. 2 year old is far too young,its only had 1 season under its belt,and certainly not been worked hard enough to see if its good enough,if you need another dog,buy a pup,rather than burden the lurcherworld with another ill concieved litter, good luck
  11. use white vinegar to clean the cage out,as its acid and urine is alkeline,(or the other way round )so it will nutrlise it good luck
  12. inan,your wasting your breath on some of these numptys
  13. ive missed about 2/3 of the season due to injuries,mine can hurt itsself just getting off the couch ,its no fun layed in bed listening to the wind blowing,and having no dog to run
  14. marco,my pup has never stopped whining from the minute i got it,its practially non stop,a nightmare lol,,all the best for xmas and new year
  15. sorry to hear of your accident,hope you get back at it soon
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