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Everything posted by jakk

  1. I don't really know if this is the correct way of using them but I put 2 long nets either side of the the hedge (lets say 100yards) and then I put my stop nets at 25 yard intervals inbetween the long net's to stop rabbits running down the hedge and into hole's further down. I don't know if this is the proper way but it works for me.
  2. There is a group of idiots ploughing through hedges and poaching. One farmer approached them and they burnt the hay bales as revenge.
  3. its not a case of what is better but what is suited. Sure you could run a saluki/ grey on the moors etc but that isn't what it is bred to excel at so why buy and run a dog that would be at a disadvantage? Horses for courses
  4. don't feed chicks with yolk on the glove scrub the glove with virkon/ f10 or shove it in washing machine dry out treat with Ko Cho Line
  5. Best stuff on the market, We are endorsed by it and I honestly wouldn't use anything else.
  6. Sorry I'm not a frequent visitor on here would it be possible to post me the link
  7. I made a similar thread to this but it got taken down :/
  8. Has anyone got any pictures of saluki whippets I'm looking for a running dog to work
  9. Hey, after much humming and arring I decided to breed my best Jill to keep the lines going. She was put to a male on the 30.07.09 a ferrets normal pregnancy is 42 days now by my calculation she is way over and still very pregnant has anyone had such a overdue pregnancy like this before? I've never had one in 10 years of working and breeding ferrets atb Jakk
  10. whot would the lugger add to the cross apart from the possibility it might want to migrate It'd bite and foot you and then get arse on with you the only mentally stable bird in that hybrid is the peregrine lol
  11. Ferret Finder MK1 for sale been used once due to having another one it has no collars but it is in mint condition £70 PM atb Jakk
  12. good looking dog that mate what do you work it on?
  13. It would seem to be the way forward! what sort of height would it make do you think? cheers Jakk
  14. Rabbits and those slightly bigger rabbits I absolutely love collie x's but i also love saluki x's and whippet x's and there isn't anyone in the area i can really go out with and see how differant dogs preform etc thanks for your reply Jakk
  15. I was just wondering what dog people would say is the best 'beginners' lurcher in terms of training and in the actual field cheers Jakk
  16. Is this ed cook by any chance?
  17. Does or has anyone ever used a Sloughi for rabbiting and how do they fair? Cheers Jakk
  18. I feed my 2 current Jill's on dry cat food as something that is there all the time as it doesn't rot if they hoard it and i suppliment it with various meats each night. I will keep a good supply of James Wellbeloved around for Jill's having kits and injured ferrets brought to me as it is the best stuff for building energy and recovery. To be honest all my ferrets are fit and pure muscle and they are happy enough which is my priority and it beats the hell out of milk sops. As much as i'd love to feed all my ferrets on James Wellbeloved its just not a feasible solution right now for me at least.
  19. i'm flying a buzzard at the minute but started the Gyr/ Sakers training and i think i'll pursue the longwing side of things to be honest. I do like visla's and GSP's too i think its just a case of seeing them work and seeing their differant personalitys and see whats best suited to me i think
  20. I'm currently wanting a HPR to work alongside Birds Of Prey. I've had terriers in the past so this is all new to me and just wondering what would be the best way to go about training them. I would also like your opinions on the many breeds and their working abilities. I would really like a Weimaraner as i grew up with one and just love the breed in general but i've been told by people who actually work them that they are hard dogs to train especially for a beginner. I'm currently ploughing through as many books as i can (can anyone tell me what they consider to be their faverate books on HPR t
  21. how are weimaraners to train they are apparently a tough breed from what i've heard however their appeal cannot be denied!
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