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maxx fennig

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Everything posted by maxx fennig

  1. sincerest thanks for the advice mate . to be honest , i think you were the only one who really understood what i was asking for , although i'm grateful to all who offered advice and the benefit of their experience . all i need to do now is find somewhere that deals with second hand guns on-line . with the ( useless , badly thought out and almost funny if it wasn't so depressing ) v.c.r. act , i'm hoping to find one run by private individuals as opposed to a shop . thanks once again .
  2. hi all , i was hoping to pick someones brains . i don't yet have an air rifle and i've been debating which one to buy . i like the independence of a springer but i also like the multi shot recoiless benefits of a pcp . i was looking through some of my back issues of airgun magazines when i spotted an ad for the theoben slr98 which is an underlever rifle with a 7 round mag . it seems to be the best of both worlds . my problem is , it's a bit out of my price range and i could get a decent pcp for less . to get to the point , i was wondering if anyone knows of any other similar rifles ? thanks fo
  3. hello all , hope your all well . just thought i'd introduce myself . firstly , i don't , as yet , have an air rifle , a situation i'm hoping to remedy within the next month or two . my first experience with guns was when i was about 10 years old . i have been interested in guns for as long as i can remember so when a good friend of my father offered to take me to a firing range i jumped at the opportunity . oddly enough , the first gun i ever fired was a .357 magnum which was quite an introduction ! that day i also fired a .22 rimfire rifle and a .45 automatic ( just the one round ! ) . needle
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