yeah lost one this morning. they are both jills from the same litter. i forgot to say that she is TWITCHING bad too. just fed it some chicken and it ate a small bit, its in my front room as we speak in the wormth......
i dont understand. i got a old hob in the same cage that is fine but i have moved him in to a differant cage and washed and disenfectented the 2 tier cage .....
im just going by what i been told.
ok well here goes, my small jill went very thin, very weak and lost the use of her back legs. . unable to walk and just lying there helpless......
what you think......
just went out to feed my 3 ferreys and one of my small jills seems to de paralised , really weak and not much life in her at all.
my father said that this is called the "swets" but i would like some information about how to prevent this happening again.