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Everything posted by ShaggyRS6

  1. Dog hate's Ferret We moved Ferret out the front for now
  2. TOLD YA dont sell yaself short on the building of ya own mate, if you can shoot and ferret, Im sure you can use a hammer or screw gun, get a cheap 6x4 shed as suggested, panel the inside and put a section 24" high across the door opening (stops them escaping when door open) you can easily step over this on entering court, although that one you have linked to looks good, its starting at £170 cant see in his feedback what they normally sell at, or delivery charge plus it would still need raising up, or that floor will rot in a year or two £285 Delivered and installed for that
  3. Found this, http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Large-rabbit-ferret-...bayphotohosting
  4. Have a look on ebay I did Kay. I actually looked for Pet Houses, and only one came up. Looking for second hand sheds now
  5. I told myself it would not happen, but it has. Thinking longer term now I want a Ferret Court. looking along the lines of a shed. Any recommendations? Forget the building your own route, that aint gonna happen.
  6. I give Spare rabbits to my butcher. He then gives me whatever meat I want every now and again.
  7. OK, thanks guys. I will wait new Kits
  8. Would it be safe to keep 2 un-neutered hobs in the same cage? I have a chance to get another Polecat Hob
  9. Yeah that is a problem, I have my boy standing right behind me, he shoots too so he is sensible, either that or he sits in the landy, as he knows I wont hit that
  10. I intend to be doing it all year if I can. I work mainly on Orchards where the farmer's trees are being destroyed.
  11. Yeah the sawdust does come out a little. NP's for me really as its out on the front lawn, it just blows away, not an awfull lot comes out.
  12. Great, see,s like I am doing thr right thing then
  13. Gtocha, well I gave him about half a mug full this morning, there was only a little left by 2, we then went out Ferreting so i topped it up with a handfull when we came home.
  14. Another quick question. How much Dry food should I feed? Not got any rabbit ready for him yet and I am worried about feeding too much or little. In terms of mug fulls? Half? Full? Cheers All
  15. I dont do nets ATM. Much prefer shooting them
  16. Well we picked up "Brian" this morning, a lovely looking Silver Hob. Stinks like a toilet, but I am sure we will get ued to that. He is very gentle, myself and the boy have been picking him up all day, the chap we got him from shoved his fingers in his mouth just to prove it is gentle, be a few weeks before we attempt that one smile.gif We had to move the hutch from the back garden into the front. I had a feeling my ESS would go mental when he clapped eyes on it. The missus, although loving the fact that she could see the Fert from the kitchen hated the fact that every 2 mins she had to cl
  17. Only got one to contend with ATM but it's soon to be joined by another I like them hammoks. Where can you get those?
  18. Thanks, people, should I put some newspaper down?
  19. Just a quickie, Where should I locate the toilet. And what should I use? Hutch below Oooh and another question. how much hay in its bedroom. I have filled it up half way. too much?
  20. Not sure if you can swear on here. So, Holy S@@t
  21. Ok, this is what I ended up doing. What I would like to do is something along the lines of Jultand others and have some tubing comming out of the hutch. I ,may even run it into my garage. Anyhoos. This is what I got. Just need a rain cover thingy. Thanks for the advice guys
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