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About leanne

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    Rookie Hunter
  1. He gets working dog food that includes cereals and tripe and also allsorts of scraps of meat when I cook. He has a knuckle a day while I am at work to keep him amused and his teeth clean He doesn't do well on mix alone. I don't think a fox would have stood a chance with him - he is sooooo quick. I'm going to take him to the dog track to give him a chance to run and run - think he will love it. No I think he would catch a fox pretty quick - in my experience foxhounds giving chase are quite slow and sniff around a lot. Boyd is quite single minded and just goes for it. A farmer offered me £
  2. good recipe with it... hammer out chicken breast flat spread with the chutney but a good bit of mozzerella roll into a roll (pinwheel from side) wrap in bacon wrap in tinfoil and bake in oven (gas 5 or whatever electric) for 20 mins open package for last 5 to let the top crisp up DELISH!!!
  3. Do I get moist? Only if it rains... what your dirty little mind is thinking is just a myth
  4. Thankyou. He's a cracker but does tend to lose weight easily because he gets so much exercise (2-3 hours per evening running free in fields with 4 other dogs). I like to keep him so you can just see his ribs but he still had tons of muscle tone.
  5. I've been drag hunting (aniseed - no fox) and had the antis give grief. No bloody foxes and they still ruin it!
  6. No saluki in mine... People always try to guess his breed. Majorcan greyhound is another people guess at.
  7. Damn rabbits!! Ruin perfectly good horse fields!! And if you fill the holes with stones and sand they just dig that out and carry on. Ferrets and dogs are essential with horses...
  8. I hunt on horses (or did till they stopped it) because I like hunting (and the horses like hunting) but I let the dog hunt because he likes it (although I don't actually take him out specifically to hunt). So I'm a 3rd type?
  9. Thats my dogs twin!! Did you wonder its breeding? If so I'd say greyhound bitch x foxhound dog lol
  10. Thankyou! Still browsing... Everyone looks a bit more active than me. My dog hunts if he feels like it... He'd probably be really good if I encouraged it...
  11. Never heard that before... What types??? N I'm a doglady
  12. Noisy? He's never barked. Neighbours think he's wonderful! He "cries" if you leave him (mard) but he shuts up if you tell him to He'd be a rubbish guard dog
  13. Only prob so far is his tail. He often strips the skin off the tip of it... Have debated having him docked but hes nearly 2 now and it just seems a bit extreme. His tail is part of his character - gives you a right crack round the back of the legs when he wags it! Also his heart stopped when he was being neutered (another thing I didnt want to do - did on the advice of the vet at 4 1/2 months because he didnt come back and it didn't work) so I don't want to risk another unnecessary op. Is it true all sight hound type dogs react badly to anaesthetic?
  14. Running with other dogs keeps them moving - mine always comes back tired if I walk him through fields with another dog. He gets bored with just me - quick burst of run then only walking. Swimming is good too. River swimming is best - walk upstream and throw stones to keep the dog swimming against the current (stones in front of the dog not at it ).
  15. I'm not sure how this forum is used so I am just going to introde myself and Boyd (Boy Dog). Here is mum was a greyhound (a farmer's breeding greyhound) and his dad was a stray foxhound (I always thought they were neutered...). There were 10 in the litter and Boyd was the most people friendly. He was house trained in 4 hours - I basically sat with him in the kitchen and put him on a puppy mat everytime he weed. He did his first poop by himself. He has always stolen anything plastic or paper (ie remote controls, wii controllers, books, mail etc) but has never been bad with furniture.
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