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Everything posted by Brian-911

  1. pair of lookers you got there mate what size tts are they at the mo?
  2. any pictures ????????? thats him coming up 11 weeks, sorry couldnt be better photos. its the ones i recieved from the seller before i got him
  3. any pictures ????????? give me 10 mins mate
  4. got a pup nearly 12wks now, mothers whippet/saluki/gshep fathers lurcher/whippet. he looks alot bigger than i thought he would. gonna measure him up later but anyone have any ideas how big he should be for his age and breed
  5. got pup nearly 12 weeks now mothers whippet/saluki/german shep father lurcher/whippet. but he looks so big for his age. gonna measure him up tonight but what size would you say a dog like that at the age be
  6. Got an 11 week old pup 2 days ago, last night he tried to mount my leg on a few occasions, i know its not good at all especially at 11 weeks right never had this problem before, im lost!
  7. if you know anything paticually good food wise for him, would be most appreciated
  8. Don't you think your missing something here Brian? Your wanting him outside before he's finished his jabs then your wanting to know about the age for introducing him to rabbits. What happened to the obedience training and bonding with the pup stage, IMHO the pup shouldn't be seeing any rabbits for a wee while yet. He's only 11 weeks old mate plenty of time for rabbits when he's older. I know what your saying i wasn't thinking of rabbits any time soon i was thinking the 8 month stage, just curious if thats to early or not. just things im asking through curiousity mate
  9. i'll take your word for it, so until final jabs its a no go. what about getting him introduced to rabbits, whats the best age to get him out there on it? cheers
  10. hiya lads, just got new lurcher/whippet pup last night, 11 weeks old. Taking him for first jab today when du think i can take him out cos i've had people saying its not safe until a week after second injection. any ideas? cheers boys
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