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Everything posted by Brian-911

  1. anyone from around the bristol area?
  2. i used to feed mine at 7-7.30 but and he done the same, i now feed him at 6 instead and it works, he has more time to get it through his system before you go to bed.
  3. what time are you giving him his last bit of food and drink for the day?
  4. as far as im concerned, first floor, second floor, backyard or bloody loft. if there on me property they'll be leaving it minus some facial parts. i hate thieving b*****ds f*****g scum. especially when it comes to taking others dogs. my mates house got burguled and to stop the dog barking they fed it a great big bar of chocolate
  5. 42 quid for peace of mind yeah def, just glad he's okay. now i know he is i can get on with giving him that bollocking for shitting in the bloody house
  6. vet said it dosen't look anything serious, no bones in his gut so thats good. gave me chicken and rice to feed him for a couple of days. 42 quid to stick his finger uo my pups ass!
  7. How old is the pup? has he been inoculated? 4 and a ahalf months, you mean its jabs? yes its jabs, ive had dogs for years and never seen blood in shit as bad, you are right, better take him to vets. yeah had his jabs a month or 2 back. seeing the vet at 5.30
  8. How old is the pup? has he been inoculated? 4 and a ahalf months, you mean its jabs?
  9. 4 and half months, jabs done about 2 months ago. i bloody hope so too cheers. got him booked in for vets at 5.30 so we'll see then
  10. is that ment to be funny is it you mug, my dogs shitting blood and not eating which = not well, and all you do is post stupid f*****g comments. keep them to yourself dick head
  11. , i had him on puppy tinned crap when i first got him but changed to mince with dry mix and a little gravy
  12. to tell the truth he hasnt been eating aswell as he has been over the last 2-3 days, think i ment have to get him down the vets
  13. sorry roy, but the blood in its okay yeah??
  14. sorry mate, just worrys i abit, should have warned you i spose
  15. looked at pups shit, after all it was in the damm kitchen blood!? thats not normal right im sure???
  16. you always get those twats who got nothing better to do than bust other peoples balls. no not yet waiting for my mate to get his ferrets out as i haven't got any yet. gonna wait for the kits in a couple of months get myself a couple, can never rely on other people
  17. have you managed to get any permission?
  18. grand little dog that whats the breeding is that blue or silver cant quite tell lighting oh how old? he's whippet/suluki x lurcher/whippet just under 4 months there, silvery blue funnily enough. think i read your post earlier today, you just moved to the city right?
  19. what dog/dogs you got then?
  20. mate im only pulling your leg, fair play it took you a fair while to get pissed off most people would have gone off there head after the first post. i hold my hands up to you cos i cannot draw for shit. infact that was one of my pics i posted earlier i dont mind a bit of a piss take brian and iam open to critisism or wouldnt of put them on just new to site thinking everyone has a chip or two on their shoulders /anyway nice pup in your pro nah everyone on here well most of the majority are very helpful people mate, theres a few numptys but there everywhere i spose. I've l
  21. ohh and thats me hound, i just dont know how to put it on for my picture, not very good with computers either
  22. mate im only pulling your leg, fair play it took you a fair while to get pissed off most people would have gone off there head after the first post. i hold my hands up to you cos i cannot draw for shit. infact that was one of my pics i posted earlier
  23. seriously, ripping the blind off like that isn't very nice ha ha the blind now no need to fetch the disabled up and as i said i will do your portrait that would be more funny or is it u thats blind and see why u have no dog or your person on ya pik lol u both that good looking 2 show :kiss: im ugly enough, last thing i need is the circus banging on my door wanting to put me in a fraek show after seeing your painting
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