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Everything posted by Brian-911

  1. why say that? Say what ? I don't understand what he means? whats not understandable? there wernt many stalls and the best contested terrier class was the entered imo. so who won what? and what type of dog? smooth black dog won the entered with russel dog second and overall champ went to a rough coated black dog thanks for the info, shame there wasnt any pics of the day as it seemed to big a great show with lots of things going on and to see, but then maybe not? I'll tell you what I saw...my bleeding petrol gauge plummet for nothing !
  2. 2-3 times a month is not going to harm them, smoking, drinking alcohol, sugary drinks, eating takeaway food there all bad for the human body but I bet you have them. So shut up you sad c**t
  3. Ohh look another one with aload of mouth and neck, you ought to stop running your lips off else the might just end up being cut off one day! It's my dog shell be 3 when the pups are born and she does what I want. So crawl back under your rock BELLEND
  4. And you know everything about ferrets right f**k face? My old man always had ferrets and I've had them, never had a sick one and they were all fed in that diet apart from maybe the complete. So wind yer neck in son
  5. Well if it was for charity that's fair enough, but when it takes 2 hours to get there and there's 4 stalls oh and the 3 car booters after ppl saying there was going to be lots i think most people would be a little peed off.
  6. What a complete pile of shite this show was, stayed for half hour then buggered off, lots of trade stands?!? Are you avin a laugh 4 or 5 rubbish ones. And they had a cheek to charge a fiver a head !
  7. Nice dog mate, pay no attention to the endless amount of assholes comments
  8. It asks you if you would like it to use your exact location, you are able to decline. Never heard anything about tracking photos before though. Could you just post the step by step way to disable this on here rather than everyone pm ing you. Cheers brian
  9. Way to many bellends on this site now, used to be good couple years ago. Shame really that the fieldsports are attracting them
  10. Haha yeah the chocolate bit is, but I am genuinely looking for a stud, like I said not due in for a couple months want to do some looking about first. She's quite leggy with small head so looking for dog opposite really.
  11. Id imagine you will get some intresting replys to your question Whys that then? As above i think you will get some intresting replys,i think head size wouldnt have a major part to play in the stud your looking for as probably more important things to consider,all the best with the mating anyway You know what your right.......a chocolate colour one would be great!
  12. Id imagine you will get some intresting replys to your question Whys that then?
  13. I hope you get what your after! A lad i was talking to the other day was saying that terrier heads are the last thing to stop growing,is this true or was it wishfull thinking cos his dog seemed to have a small head. Well my bitch is just over 2 1/2 now so that's all the growing done a long time ago. Def think there was some wishful thinking there
  14. My patt bitch Is due in season again in couple months and want a pup out of her, haven't bred dogs before want someone as well as dog who has experience. She has fairly small head so dog with big head pref really. Cheers
  15. Ahh right well yeah, I feed them mix of complete, fresh meat, and now and again abit of bread and milk. Think theyll get all the vitamins they need. Cheers
  16. I haven't said anythings wrong with it that's why I'm asking because I don't know ! So go have a wank and calm yourself down, stop jumping the gun ya nause
  17. Did you sell the bitch in end? That is my ideal dog
  18. Never liked staffs but I have to say that one I'll make an exception for. That is one fine looking animal !
  19. I've never bothered before but me mates been going on about I oughtto give them some now and again, but they fresh meat and complete ferret food so think that should give them all they need.
  20. And if so do you think it's essential?
  21. Yeah my terriers 2 though, easy when there pups
  22. What's it's like? And how much to get in?
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