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Everything posted by SportingShooter

  1. All cosmetic as far as I'm aware, The Rafaello are usually a chrome or anodised action with good wood whereas the SBEs are usually all black with standard wood or synthetic.
  2. Had one of these for a couple of years, Does the trick on my .222 http://www.aseutra.fi/northstar-ns-3s-suppressor
  3. Ring INFAC tomorrow and ask them or perhaps they've got some FAQs on their website? There must be a forum somewhere dedicated to such things, there usually is Google it
  4. It's a strong likelihood that they will make them in a 2+1 for SGC otherwise there would be very limited market for them in the UK, An RFD can always restrict a semi-auto to 2+1 from a FAC rated one. They use a plug in the magazine tube which just needs to be lengthened.
  5. Wikipedia is a marvelous tool http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.22-250
  6. Is that a 'martyr' post? A simple or will do Eh Viola ! Although I can understand it must be wearing thin now. WEARING thin? It's worn through and come out the other side. We'll be accused of not taking things seriously now...no laughter allowed, strict rules of the Geneva Convention
  7. Depending on whether there's one nearby where you're going, Bass Pro are massive outfitters too
  8. My two pennyworth regarding people not logging in as opposed to being banned is quite simple, Those members who don't choose to be a member of the site any more may, at one point before things turned sour, have offered some constructive views to others which can be searched and read again by new or other members, If we deleted every "martyr member" first of all the site would look a mess like it used to with banned members in older threads. Secondly that did and would put others off from posting similar good things. They would see one post, see it was written by a now banned member and
  9. Definitely, Once you find that load, whatever make of components, stick to it like glue
  10. Best practice would be a solid load bearing wall with expanding bolts, If you cant manage that, then just give the Firearms department a ring to have a chat
  11. Ammunition for the .223 is probably the most popular your gun shop will stock, along with the .243 and .22LR so he should have a fairly good variety of flavours. If you're foxing, any weight bullet from 40 grain to 55 grain is "ideal" and if you can, I would strongly suggest trying a handful of different manufacturers and bullet weights just to try and get the best from the rifle. Your shop may only stock Remington and Winchester brands, so a box of what Winchester he stocks and a box of what Remington he stocks will let you decide the best on paper. I know I've repeated this several
  12. I think the difference is that the .22LR is usually what you expect it to be, a lower powered round for small vermin usually to 100 yards. The HMR has been "bigged up" from it's inception which then has this anti-climax/panic effect when something goes wrong or it doesn't live up to expectations... In all the time I've been here, I don't think I've ever seen a more discussed and debated calibre than the HMR and by a hell of a long way!
  13. Awesome, But slightly concerning and boring...
  14. I wouldn't hedge your bets on just the one brand of ammunition or reloading components without trying out as many as you can find locally first, Reason being that you could end up being lumbered with 100-150 rounds or heads that your rifle really doesn't like which will have cost you £100+ just to sit in your ammo safe. I still have a box of 100 Sierra Varminters sitting there that the rifle will chuck out like ratshot from when I first started reloading.
  15. The HMR could have its own damn section! It must be one of the most popular and most maligned calibre all in one!
  16. I would suggest buying a box of whatever your local dealer stocks, one each and try them all. Different manufacturers and bullet weights. Every rifle is different and will like different ammunition, Hornady are a very respected manufacturer and no doubt any round will shoot fairly well in your rifle but there is always one that it will like more. Just an excuse to blat paper
  17. If he has a .22LR and a moderator with the suitable condition on his FAC then I would suggest that is your best, most discreet course. If he doesn't have a moderator for his .22 then perhaps he could apply for one and you go halves on the cost, likely to be around £30 for your half with the variation and moderator.
  18. Simple trespass is a civil offence not a criminal one as I say above, it is dealt with through solicitors. There are criminal offences of aggravated trespass among others which can be dealt with by the police or technically the crown prosecutor. This is taken directly from the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994; 68Offence of aggravated trespass. (1)A person commits the offence of aggravated trespass if he trespasses on land [F1in the open air] and, in relation to any lawful activity which persons are engaging in or are about to engage in on that or adjoining land [F2in the op
  19. Hopefully it wont come to anywhere near as serious as instigating criminal/civil proceedings against this chap, I would hope that he can't stay awake all night and a late night shoot would clear up most of the foxes in a short space of time if they are fairly timid. However, one more tool in your toolbox could be the issue of trespass. Albeit the offence of simple trespass is a civil offence not a criminal one, there is case law on persons being prosecuted for aggravated trespass or other broadly similar criminal offences if they interrupt or obstruct a lawful activity, The Duke of Ru
  20. Perhaps Defra or the Environment Agency may be interested if he is dumping meat products onto farmland, particularly if there are livestock on the ground
  21. Are there any highways near the back of the house? Footpaths, Bridleways, Roads, Lanes etc? The only two laws that I'm aware of that would apply would be discharging a firearm within 50 feet of the centre of a highway which causes someone to be interupted, injured or endagered (Highways Act 1980). This does not apply to buildings. And the Town Police Clauses Act S.28 - any person in any street to the obstruction, annoyance or danger of the residents or passengers wantonly discharges a firearm. That is a very old law which I dare say hasn't been used for God knows how many years but
  22. I'm guessing this guy you're leaving the HMR with is an RFD? I wouldn't leave it with just anyone, would get you in a lot of hot water No one on here can tell you what your firearms department are going to give you, just apply and see.
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