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Grim Reaper

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About Grim Reaper

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 22/09/1969

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    Ask me, and I might tell!
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  • Gender
  • Location
    Hades (Ex Saaf London, now SE Kent ). AIR ARMS S310 OWNER.
  • Interests
    Family activities, pest control, fishing, metalwork. My specialist area of interests are: Air Rifles, Shotguns, and Firearms. Want to know more? Just ask - I don't bite!

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  1. Pleased to meet you mate - got your PM. ;o)

  2. I think he`s a gay these days ! Last time i saw him he was wearing a dress !

  3. Well, well . . . . . Ya can't keep a good man down!

    Welcom back old bean!! ;)


  4. Hello Bugger lugs !!LOL

  5. Shim - Shims - Shimming . . . . . . :sick: Nasty words them. Damage your scope they can - things they are! . . . Anyway! That method is how I was taught, and so far, it has never failed me, and neither have I ever had to resort to shims :sick: - I am glad to say. Let me know please how you come out of this with that method mate? Be interesting to find out like. ATB, Grim.
  6. Hi there Paul, Try this method here. 5th post down. I was taught this method years ago now, and it has always worked very well for me - so well in fact, I wanted to share the knowledge. I have no doubt this will work just as well for you mate. All the best, Grim.
  7. Hi Mark, If you feel confident enough with your abilities, then may I make a few suggestions for you to check out before you opt for sending it for service (which is something I feel you may not be needing at this point in time? Before you attempt to follow these suggestions, make sure the cylinder/reservoir is empty of air first - a safe cylinder/reservoir is an empty one, yeah? 1. Try to see if the filling valve at the front end of the reservoir is as tight as can be - this is one of the most likely causes for pressure loss). 2. Check the rubber 'O' ring between the air filling
  8. Contrary to what Linde has said, I would err on caution and be thinking that Nitrogen, on its own, is not a safe gas to be filling with - and the results of messing with unrecommended gasses for equipment needing a specific gas ONLY, are not nice to see. I can tell you - after having had to pick up the various and numerous parts of what is left of a body after. Diver's shops will fill up any in test cylinder with clean, dry, and uncontaminated comressed air - the same air as you are breathing only that it is compressed form. Nitrogen is contained in air we breath, and in the air u
  9. Hi Grim, could you please send me that PM aswell, I'm assuming it's how to properly adjust the trigger... All The Best PM on the way to your inbox now matey! Regards, Grim.
  10. Hi Zak, You have PM on the way mate. Regards, Grim.
  11. Tony, Thanks for your vote there old pal I am just glad I have been of help to you bud - but as I always say "Anytime!! " Regards, Grim.
  12. Bedrock . Although a fair number of the s310's do have synth stocks, not all of them do however. I cannot pass comment on the synths, as I have not shot with one, but I am sure they are just as good and effective as the wood ones. ATB, Grim.
  13. Luke2009, I have the S310 myself, but I also have used quite a few of the later S410's as well, and from a personal point of view, I myself think the S310 always was (and still is! ) fine as it is - certainly better than the later S410's I have to say. There are a few ''modifications' (new barrel band clamp - safety switch - on board pressure guage etc.) that have been made to the S410 in the design stage - which, in my opinion, the rifle could have done so much better without having had . Like the old saying goes - "If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it!" But to answer your q
  14. Again in essence, if the garden is their own, or one where they have shooting permission, and they abide by the licence terms, then there would be nothing wrong in doing it - providing the quarry is being shot for a valid reason contained within the terms. The exception of course being rabbit, as most of England (with 2 or 3 exceptions) is classed as a rabbit clearance zone, and all land owners within that zone are legally obligated to keep rabbits on their land under control - full stop. Hope this helps you some, Air Gunner? Regards, Grim.
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