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Everything posted by Tazbird

  1. I used the blitz 240 with dimmer it is a great all round lamp for big fields to the squatter in small fields
  2. thanks for all your advice At the momoent i keep all the ferrets on a complete ferret food and only give flesh/meat as a treat cause of the flies, etc. She's looked great all the way up till the last couple of days, i just want whats best for both mum and kits as mum is a cracking little worker. The kits are very stong and fat, she's stopped dragging them into the nest as much, so really wasn't sure what would be best for all
  3. my jill had kits 6 weeks ago and is now looking really thin. They all have plenty of food and i have noticed that the kits are eating on there own, but i think that the jill is really struggling. Do you think that the kits are to young to take off her?
  4. In reply to strong stuff's writting i think that instead of critising someone who is trying to make something, he should of simply offered some advice and instead of a slagging match needed to help to make something more of what was a great show. When shows like the royal welsh and cla gamefair first started how many stalls and people do you think went? This show is only in its 3rd year and has grown every year and i hope it keeps growing.
  5. I was there all weekend, what a time, great atmosphere and good laugh. I felt that the attendance was good exspecially sunday, cant wait for the next one.
  6. thanks for the advice everyone and yes she is in season and shes been with the hob
  7. shavings on the floor. she has been kept on shavings for the last 2 years and i've never had this problem before
  8. i have a jill that is losing the hair around her feet, could anyone advise me on what or why this is happening and what i could do to stop or prevent it?
  9. thanks very much for all your help it's all greatly appreciated, i have a slim knowledge of H H but sometimes what you read in a book isn't the same as what you can learn from hands on experience , the books that i've read have all been very advanced could anyone recommend a good writer for a novice.
  10. thanks for the reply, didn't mean to sound like i was bitting you head off. . I'm greatful for all advice thats given, i've had a few people local tell me things but the more you here from people in the game the better knowledge i have
  11. i should of explained better at the moment he is being kept in a 6ft by 5ft shed but was wondering if that is enough room for him. he has a perch and a shelve in there as well as his bow perch and a bath. could you advise me if this is big enough or should i make him a larger avery.thanks for the replys so far
  12. what size has the living quarters got to be
  13. I have recently purchased a male harris hawk. I was wondering if anyone could tell me if and what the law requires to keep one? i would be greatful for any advice posted
  14. thanks mate as soon as its finished i'll try them together and just keep an eye for the first couple of hours
  15. sorry i mean't 6 ft thanks mate
  16. i currently own 2 hobs and im in the middle of building a ferret court its going to be 6" wide 6"long and 6"high will it be possible to keep them together? or will they fight?
  17. Thats a fair point, but also how private is the private chat option in the chat room. Who else is able to view it if anyone
  18. No i dont agree with that if your only going for a fag, sort the kids out, toilet or any other sort of thing that would mean you'll be back soon then why cant you just type that saying that you'll be right back
  19. Hey, i agree that people who come in chat and dont introduce themselves or join in should be warned and if nothing then kicked out. But you need someone supervising it because sometimes people come say hi and the topic is on something they're not interested in so they either try and start a new one or wait till others are talking about something they can join in with. For example i'm into most aspects of hunting apart from fishing so i would chat about almost anything but might not join in on a fishing chat cause i dont know much about it. I also agree that some are clicky in the chat but i
  20. Hey thats a really smart dog and bitch any chance you'll be having another litter or any dogs for sale of similar lines
  21. Yours isn't exactly jam packed with stuff HaHa

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