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Everything posted by Ste*

  1. Murph You obviously know a lot more about crayfish then i do so i agree with you
  2. And here is part of the description The white clawed crayfish have a single pair of post-orbital (behind the eyes) ridges unlike the signal crayfish that has two pairs. The body of white-clawed crayfish is smooth, generally brown to olive in colour with a pitted appearance. Signal crayfish also have a smooth body but the colour is often more reddish-brown. Claws of signal crayfish are smooth and red on the underside with a white-turquoise patch on top of the junction of claw. White-clawed crayfish have rough top sides of their claws with dirty-white to pink colour on the underneath Mur
  3. As i said in my post i dont really now a lot about crayfish just that the signals i caught were a lot reder and a bit bigger so i still think that they are white claws because i have just read a description of a white clawed crayfish and it matches them.
  4. I dont really know much about crayfish but i have caught a few signal crayfish and they were a lot brighter (RED) but that could be something to do with mating i dont really no but they were a lot bigger then them ones so i would go for white claw.
  5. Ste*


    Wellcome to the forum.
  6. Wellcome to the forum.
  7. Wellcome to the forum.
  8. Wellcome to the forum.
  9. Wellcome to the forum.
  10. A bet that was a good day out. Were you dead baiting or lure fishing.
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